Hi, I'll prefix this by saying DD was never good at self soothing. DD is a spirited baby and we had a lot of difficulty settling her in the early months. We tried a number of things - swaddling, soother, comforter/lovey (soft cuddly toy, also a blanket), different rountines - it was shush/pat that finally worked and even that took a lot of time and effort. Around 7MOs DD finally learned to self soothe, that lasted for about 3 months until she was able to move around in her cot.
DD is able to roll over, stand up and move along the bars in her cot. We have tried PU/PD on a number of occasions (since DD was 6MO) and each time it has been disasterous. As soon as you settle DD and put her back in her cot she screamed (in the early stages), now she screams and immediately stands up again. As we repeat the process, she gets more upset each time and it takes longer to calm her down. The only way we can calm her is to rock her in our arms and shush at the same time until she finally begins to nod off. Then myself or my husband will put her into her cot and on a good day, DD will go off to sleep. Most times it takes a couple of attempts at the above before she finally goes to sleep.
I have tried different routine 'times' and the one DD is on at the moment (S at 10 for 30mins and at 2.15 for 1-1.5 hrs) is the one that seems to work best as the EWs are getting better and most nights there are no NWs unless DD is teething. DD's activity is approximately 3.5-4hrs.
I think it is a bad habit that we have let DD get into, yet I don't know how to break it. Any advice would be really appreciated as DD is getting bigger and much stronger, and it has become even more challenging to get her settled particularly if she wakes in the evening after she has gone to bed.