Author Topic: Do you ever limit how much your toddler eats?  (Read 1250 times)

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Offline Rileysmum

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Do you ever limit how much your toddler eats?
« on: November 12, 2010, 21:21:33 pm »
It probably seems like an odd question, as from what I have read from other parents, it seems like most toddlers are picky, and some go on hunger strikes. Our 23mo LO has never really been that picky, and never had a hunger strike. Some days with a low food intake, but nothing we have ever worried about. In the last few weeks he hasn't been as big of a fan of vegetables as he used to be, but he will still have some. My concern is that some mornings he has a huge breakfast (as in 2 pieces of toast plus some fruit, or an equivalent amount of cereal/oatmeal as what I am having plus fruit). So my concern is that he may be sometimes overeating for that meal. He isn't overweight (90th percentile for height, and just above the 75th for weight). I want him to be able follow his body cues, but I am also worried he will start to think it is normal to have such a large meal. He snacks throughout the day, with 2 other meals and 1 snack in his chair. We do tell him that if he is hungry enough to eat, he needs to eat 1 bite of everything offered, but other than that we don't push him to eat. If he only wants 1 bite, that is fine. So, would you/do you ever limit the amount of food they have?

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Re: Do you ever limit how much your toddler eats?
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2010, 21:32:49 pm »
Brodie always has a huge breakfast over here too. He has the same amount of cereal as I do AND a piece of toast and some fruit if he likes! I never limit food at meals but do limit snacks. The only instance I would limit food at meals would be if he wsa filling up bread rather than whats on his plate!

Offline Rileysmum

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Re: Do you ever limit how much your toddler eats?
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2010, 20:23:02 pm »
Thanks, that is a relief.  :)

Offline Shiv52

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Re: Do you ever limit how much your toddler eats?
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2010, 20:47:40 pm »
Same here.  Maeve always eats the most in the first hour she is up.  She'll generally has yogurts and fruit and a big bowl of porridge and then has toast when I do.  The only thing I ever limit is snacks (and I limit amount at snack as opposed to not giving a snack) if I find she isn't eating lunch/dinner well. 

I read in a parenting magazine that toddlers eat the most of their calories in the two thirds of the day so I think your LO is doing just that!!