Sorry if I was less than clear, I'm a little muddled today...she was up for 3 hellish hours last night (not the norm, so idea what was up, but praying I don't get a repeat tonight.) She slept through the night once only at 3 months, then at 5 months it was every other night over 8 days, not 8 days straight. Then the cold hit, and I'm sure she wasn't eating well all day. Poor thing was so stuffed up! So that threw everything out of whack.
More often than not, she would wake up once a night, feed, and go back to sleep. Her hungry cues are really hard to read. She's so laid back that I think she'd have to literally be starving before she really let me know. It seems like she takes a full feed when I give it to her, which is part of the reason I haven't tried to not feed her, but who really knows? Last night is probably the one time I know she didn't eat well, but she went back to sleep anyways. It was horrible, up at 1:30, kept trying to settle, she'd doze for maybe 15 min until whoever was taking their turn tried to leave the room, and then she was up again. Finally gave in and tried feeding her around 3:50, but I know she didn't swallow much at all. Put her back down after 25 min or so and she slept until 7:30.
Not sure about settling with the paci...wouldn't I just be switching one prop for another? We've never really used it for sleeping since DS had MAJOR paci issues (waking every hour for it), so we just didn't go down that road with DD. Whenever she's woken before 4:00, I've never really been able to get her to settle for long without feeding though.
Of course, it doesn't help that I haven't been able to wean from the domperidone, so I kind of always default to hunger and worrying about how much she eats. I read through the kellymom advice and I see she recommends trying to feed more often during the day. I haven't always been very successful with this (again, very laid back child!). I was tanking up after the catnap, feeding around 6:00 and then again at 7:30, but she didn't ever really take much from me at 7:30 and I would just end up increasing the supplement of EBM that I would give her at this time. I stopped a few weeks ago, thinking she'd end up taking a bigger feed at bedtime and it would balance out. If I went back to trying to feed more often, wouldn't she just end up doing a lot of snacking?
Sorry if this has gone on for a bit, just finding the whole breastfeeding thing really difficult and confusing this time around. Things with DS were so easy...DD has really thrown me for a loop. Appreciate any advice or insights!