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Offline Rileys_Mummy

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What did i do wrong?
« on: November 16, 2010, 10:44:58 am »
Hi Everyone, my LO is 6 months old on Friday and i've been desperately trying to get him into a routine for a while now. Before starting EASY he would catnap for 30 mins 4 times a day, he would go down at 7pm and get up at 5.30-6am with 2-3 NW's, he has been on 3 solid meals since 4 months old under instruction from my HV and has never been interested in his bottles only taking about 4 onces at a time. He has just tried to drop his Lunchtime and Dinnertime bottles but i've been advised to give him a bottle mid afternoon instead then replace this with a snack when he is ready to. I think he might be teething but then again i've thought that for the last 2 months now.
Anyway here is my EASY and below is my problem...

E - 7am Wake and Bottle
A - then Solids @ 8am then wind down for nap @ 8.30/8.45am
S - 8.45/9am - 1030am (have to go and shh pat every 30 mins or so)
A -
E - 12pm Dinner Solids
A - then wind down for nap @ 12.15/12.45pm
S - 12.30/1pm - 2/2.30pm (Have to go and shh pat every 30 mins or so)
E - 2.30pm Bottle
A - then wind down for nap 4.15/4.45pm
S - 4/4.30 - 4.30/5
E - 5pm Tea
A -
E - 6pm Baby Rice and Bottle
A - then wind down for the night @ 6.45pm (Bath @ 6.15pm every other night)
S - 7pm
DF - 10pm

I have tried to extend his A time but i just end up with an OT baby if i do, i felt that this routine was perfect and he seemed so much happier for it, i nailed the naps in just two days with the shh pat and PU/PD method....BUT ever since doing this new routine he has gone from waking 2-3 times in the night to waking every 30-45mins (sometimes longer if i'm lucky) but as soon as i put his dummy back in he goes straight back to sleep, before he'd spit it out once relaxed and drop off without it but now its like he can't go back to sleep without it? Could this be something to do with the new routine or is it he is just getting used to it all and i should stick with it? Please help!!!! I also have to shh pat him every 30 mins or so until about 9.30pm after he has gone down for the night. Im sorry for the long post just thought as much info as poss would help!!  :) Any help or advice would be appreciated. xxx
Mummy to gorgeous Riley who is 6 months old and very cheeky!

Offline Chicane

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Re: What did i do wrong?
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2010, 18:34:20 pm »
Hi Rileys Mummy

Welcome to the board.

I think there could be a few things happening here. There is a pretty big growth spurt at 6 months. Why did the HV say to start solids at 4 months? How did he take to them? Generally the way to deal with a GS is to increase the number of feeds. Or you can do some cluster feeds towards the end of the day. If he is already on solids then you can try and bulk up his dinner. For example my son has yohurt with fruit and I sometimes mix in some baby rice into it.

The average A time for 6 months is 2 hours 25 mins more or less. Check out the samples here

and some info on increasing A times

Also its around now that many LOs need to drop the DF as it impedes their sleep rather than aids it. Check this out

And finally, do you think the dummy has become a prop? If you think that is the problem then you need to wean him from it. Let me know and I can get some of the props mods over here to take a look.

Finally, don't worry, I think you just need some tweaking and it will sort out. Have a think and a look over the links and let me know what you think


Offline Rileys_Mummy

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Re: What did i do wrong?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2010, 20:45:46 pm »
Hi Chicane, Thank you so much for your advice, it really has helped.

Well what can i say? I took your advice on cluster feeding last night and that went really well, i have done the same tonight and again went well. I slowly increased his A time to 2 hour 10 mins this morning, then this afternoon he stayed up on his own for 2 hour 25 mins so that was obviously what he needed. I definately thought the dummy was a prop so i went cold turkey with it today to see how he would react, he fought me for the first 20 mins this morning but fell asleep without it, then for 5 mins this afternoon and actually slept for 2 hours without stirring once (compared to normal when im in and out putting his dummy back in) then not at all for his catnap or bedtime, but we'll see how tonight goes as thats when he wants it the most, saying that he went to sleep an hour and a half ago and hasn't stirred yet usually im in and out after 30 mins until at least 9pm. So hopefully touch wood he won't wake up wanting it.....However this afternoon after tea i noticed him grinding his jaw only to see he has a tooth breaking through!! So now im wandering if his sudden need for the dummy was actually because it was soothing his gums? Needless to say if hes taken this well to being weaned off it i might persist as i don't want him to use it as a prop in the future.

With regards to the DF i only introduced it a few weeks ago because he was still waking for a night feed so i moved it to a 10pm DF. He only has about 20 ounces a day of formula without the DF which i am working on, so do you think i should continue until i can get his day feeds increased? Also if i do cut the DF out eventually do i still continue with the cluster feeding or should i try to get that back to one last big feed instead? Sorry for all the questions again. I am buzzing about how the weaning has gone and his sleeping, like you said just needed some tweaking and some much appreciated advice! Thank you again! xoxoxox
Mummy to gorgeous Riley who is 6 months old and very cheeky!

Offline Chicane

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Re: What did i do wrong?
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2010, 07:40:27 am »
I can't tell you how these kind of messages can totally turn my day around! Well done on making the changes! And well done on your LO for giving you some great results.

Yep, sucking can be a sign of needing soothing for teeth but I'd still avoid the dummy as you've made some good progress so far, maybe instead give him a hard teething toy he can have in the cot with him.

DF is a hard one...if you think its helping then continue but you will have to stop it fairly soon. If you are worried about milk intake then you could drop one of his solid meals and replace it with milk. He is still really young to be going without milk and also to be doing so much solids...its up to you though. I'd continue with the cluster feeding and the big last I think that could be helpful and a good way to tank him up before bed.

keep me posted, i am so happy that things are looking better for you


Offline anthsmum

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Re: What did i do wrong?
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2010, 13:06:47 pm »
Hi, congrats on the great results already, so great to read how what could be a fairly small change can make such a big difference! Just wondering with the cluster feeding, I used to cluster feed my 4mo at say 5 then 7 before bed but stopped as I read somewhere not to after 8 weeks... My DS is so unsettled during the time before his bedtime feed, the cluster feeding definitely helped but now I wait atleast 2.5hrs around this time of day... Do you think the cluster feeding is what helps them settle more at night? My LO used to pass out at bedtime & that would be it, he'd be in such a deep sleep, now he needs resettling a lot in between cycles & wakes up crying early for the also wants to eat round 1.30 & 5 ish!

Thanks for posting, & good luck with it all too : )

Offline Chicane

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Re: What did i do wrong?
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2010, 19:39:55 pm »
Hey anthsmum - the cluster feed can defo help that could be a number of would probably be best to post up your own topic with a typical day in EAS format and we can take a look (if you haven't done already)

Riley's mum - I forgot to add that you could introduce a lovey to replace the dummy - you an get some lovely soft ones that have knots tied in them, the knots can be very soothing on teeth. (if you do that and he takes to it then buy two! Its the only way you'll be able to get it in the washer!)

How has it been?
