they weren't taking a good lunch...
and with two babies STTN from early on, I wasn't going to drop the DF for a lOOONG time so it was the obvious choice....
I never fed on demand and they never really demanded the breast other than first thing in the morning at that age...and I loved the 3-3.30 pm feed as I had just arrived home and of course the going to bed feed.
Back in Oscar's time, 4 yrs ago, it was "recommended" to drop to 4 milk feeds by this age, regardless of BF or FF so I was following the norms but just on my own terms iykwim and it was a case of it working so well with him that I did the same with Emma without even considering anything else, especially as my work was more hectic after Emma and I wouldn't have had the time/space to pump anyway (was back at 4 mths after Oscar so obviously HAD to pump then).
I just wasn't brave enough to drop the DF. I seriously believed in it and it took serious talk from my DH to drop it eventually both times....I had had two EBF babies STTN from 10 and 14 weeks without a hitch so I was addicted to tanking them up for the night and DF-ing them. Also, my two were/are very spirited so their BFs during the day were distracted quite often and at least the DF was a calm, quiet feed ALWAYS...
S x