Hi, just wondering if this is normal? I've worked at getting full feeds from the start, but whenever he's finished and won't take any more (sometimes making annoyed noises which he stops as soon as I stop trying to get him to take more!), if I squeeze a bit there's still loads spurting out. Occasionally there's only a little bit coming out and so I've tried him on the other side, but then he's just sicked up loads after a few seconds of suckling on the other side. He's eating every 3h during the day on average, cluster feeds at 2h in the evening and then going up to 7.5h (record so far!) at night. He never really seems that ravenous (doesn't cry for food, only overtiredness) but wouldn't be able to sustain long enough A/S times for 3.5h EASY (nap problems!), so I just feed at 3h anyway - he doesn't even show hunger signs if he's had a long nap in the sling and I've woken him up at 3.5h or a little later. He's 12lb 10oz at 7 weeks. Do you think I just have an ample milk supply and won't need to offer both sides, or is this likely to change as he gets bigger? And if so, how will I know, or is it just trial and error (e.g. if I offer the other side and he doesn't sick it all up)? He's not falling asleep at the breast - or if he does, I wake him up and get him to take more. He does get quite distracted though, whether it's just looking at me or wriggling around! It's just when he starts making frustrated noises in the middle/end and I'm not sure whether he's having difficulty getting the milk out, needs to burp, has finished and just wants to be up or is in pain. The frustrated noises stop when he's upright again. Sorry I'm rambling!