My little girl Madison is 17 months old and for the past 2 months has been refusing dinner. She is great at eating breakfast, fussy at lunch and refuses dinner.
For breakfast she will normally have milk and 1 slice of toast with Marmite. She always eats all of it.
Then for lunch she will typically have something like this:- chopped up ham, fruit, 6 x chocolate buttons and some cheese
Then at 3pm I will try and give her a yoghurt but she mostly wont want anything.
At dinner I put her in her high chair and have tried to spoon feed her and as soon as i put the spoon near her she turns her head and says NO. Without even trying it, but she will have a look in the bowl first. I have also tried finger foods for dinner, mini hot dogs, small potato etc but she will just squish these in her hand and then drop them on the floor.
The only food I can guarantee she will eat at dinner time is Weetabix with warm milk or porridge but I can't keep giving her these. I don't know what I can do to get her to eat properly. It's not even as if she is snacking too much inbetween meals, as some days she will have hardly eaten anything for lunch, refused a snack at 3pm and refused dinner again at 5pm, so the only proper meal she will have had was breakfast.
Can anyone give me some advice as I don't want her to not eat enough. If my 4 year old was doing it I would tell him if he doesn't eat dinner then he won't get anything else to eat, but you can't do that with a 17 month old yet I don't want to have to keep on throwing food away and making different food all the time.