Hey Trimbler,
Sorry for not getting back sooner, DH needed the computer and I didn't get a look in.
Lets start with whats average for this age. Check out the samples here
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=164253.0 look at the ones for 4-8 weeks and 8-12 weeks.
The average awake time is 1 hour to 1 hour 15 mins. at this age. The EAS you posted shows you had 2 good naps one good pm cat nap but a short nap in the morning. Theoretically, he should be getting 3 long decent naps and one CN (cat nap) the CN is the one in the late afternoon to get him to bed time. A 45 min nap that is not a CN is not considered to be restful...
BUT you know your baby best. And of course the 'average' and the 'samples' are just that, guides not rules written in stone. However, its my opinion that his A times are a little long. I would try scaling them back to 1 hr 15 or 20 mins max. You need to continue to work on our settling techniques and finding what works for you, at thsi age shh/pat is your best bet for extending naps.
The other thing I notice is the day is very long. Theoretically, you should try to aim for a 12 hour day. So if LO wakes at 6.30pm then he should be in bed for the night at 6.30pm. Although it seems counter intuitive getting good day naps helps to make the night sleep deeper and more restful and an early night does make for a longer sleep. Its not until they get much older that you can keep them up later so that they sleep in later in the morning (like when they are 3 yrs)
As far as feeds are concerned. How has his weight gain been? I think if he is not getting cranky between feeds and if his weight gain is good and the other things that Tay mentioned then he's just become a super efficient eater. And maybe its his nature to not be a really hungry baby (read greedy like my DS!) If you think he's getting distracted by other things you could try wearing a necklace with a pendant he can play with while eating. My son still plays with my necklace (he's 14 months) while BFing. Don't worry that you don't feel the let down, many women don't.
If you want you could do a little experiment and wait a little longer between feeds so that he's hungrier - I've never liked to do that though! Or you could start expressing your breast milk and start to give him one of his feeds with a bottle...this could be useful for a few reasons. 1. you might worry less if you see how much he's eating 2. if you get him used to a bottle you can continue to express and you partner, mum, someone else can give him one of his feeds so you can have a rest. You don't have to, do what feels right for you.
Finally, you mentioned you are in the same room at night. We did that too for a long time. Is he taking his naps in the same room, same cot? I ask simply because if you are changing his sleeping place then it could lead to some confusion in a couple of months when he becomes more aware...Tracy's motto was always start as you mean to go on...it took me a long while to totally understand what it meant but its a good one to keep in mind!
let me know what you think of all this
big love