hi there all,
Wow - it's nice to read every one else's posts here and realise we're not alone. We've not used BW much lately but here we are - falling back on our beautiful saftey net!

The thread about the 17month Lo refusing dinner is particularly familiar! I read lots of good ideas on that thread but still have questions so to save hi-jacking someone else's thread... !

AG has in the last few weeks started refusing anything but meat at dinner time. We have always given her, her veges first and then when she's finished them we bring out the meat. Otherwise she would fill up on meat and not want anything else. Lately though that's not working and dinner time has become a battle of wills and LOTS and LOTS of screaming and tempertantrum-ing on AGs part (though we are times sorely tempted to join her!!!)
Our stratagey at the moment is
a) giver her her veges/rice with her losec in the first mouthful
b) when she starts slowing down ask her if she wants meat? = "MEAT!" "Yup!"
c) tell her she has to have one (or two - depending on how much she's already eaten - which is probably five mouthfuls max) more mouthful of veges then she can have some meat.
This is where the screaming starts and she ends up in 'time out' in the corner. When she calms down we ask if she is ready to eat nicely = "Yup!" but as soon as we present the veges first, meat next plan the screaming starts all over again and she ends up just not eating anything at all!
- are we making this too hard - should we put everything out at once and just let her choose?
- calories/vitamin/mineral intake. - ok so there's not much calories in veges but there's a lot more in a bowl of veges than in one mouthful! AG has always been little (prem, reflux and failure to thrive etc etc) but we do want her to be healthy.
- I have read other mummys saying they don't get NWs from hunger but AGs sleep went to pot about the same time her eating did.... coincidence or not?
- This is just one other outlet of her "independant" spirit really starting to show! She has been through so much and has developed quite the personaility as a result - she's had to fight and now she is!!! (in many areas) With us! (mind you apparently I was a "strong willed child" so maybe it's just genetics and pay back! lol) So should we on principle be helping her understand that "mummy and daddy make the rules and you can't just do whatever you like" or is it a case of pick your battles - and this isn't the right one?

It is entirely possible that she is just plain bored with the tastes we are able to offer her as she is intolerant to so many foods (upset tummy, reflux stirs up and eczema) that her diet is very limited. We have some success when we change things up a bit but it's only temporary. Last night I was so frustrated I smothered her dinner in tomato sauce (not good for her skin!) just to get her to eat! (And eat she did!)
So any advice gladly accepted :-)