Hi there, kids at this age will test any limit to see what happens. I think he maybe senses that this is something that bothers/upsets/concerns you so he will act on it. I know how hard it is, we went through phases too, and still do go through them, but relaxing around food and eating is the best advice I can offer. Power struggles do not work, and he has chosen to have one with you.
First off, can he eat finger foods with his hands? Finger foods are great when they go through that 'don't like the spoon' phase.
If he's eating well at daycare with snacks and lunch and getting what he needs, I would not worry too much about dinner. Are you giving him what you guys are having or making him separate meals? Do you all eat together as a family? When making meals I would aim to make 1 thing you know he will eat, doesn't matter which part of the meal it is really, and keep offering the things you aren't sure/or know he won't eat. Eventually with enough modeling he may try them.
I'm not a fan of the force feed but my DH has done it and it has worked on occasion. But not with me. Probably because he can TELL that I don't subscribe to it and I'm not confident enforcing it. Personally, I would never want food shoved into my mouth, but some kids are known to need that extra coaxing. So DH and I agree to disagree on that one.
Also, if he knows that eventually you will serve him something else, then he will hold out for it. They are soooo smart at 16 mths. Maybe DH lets him know that it's this or nothing? I am sure it's the same at daycare as they do not make special meals for the kids. Everyone gets pretty much the same meal and he has learned to eat what is on offer.
When DS isn't too keen on eating I often do little snack bowls on his table so he can eat and play. I don't want to force him to the table so I just choose my battles. Most meals he eats at the table but there are just some days, like everyone has, where he isn't too interested in eating. And so I typically give him his bowls of protein and veg and fruit while I eat a bowl of cereal lol I don't think there is anything wrong with being flexible even if you want to 'start as you mean to go on'.
If he doesn't eat dinner I would offer him a pre-bed snack though. They are still growing so fast at this age and there are growth spurts. We hit one at 18 mths.