You're all so sweet for constantly checking in!
Grace Annes Mommy I think it's good that you're holding back on making suggestions to your friend in spite of what you know and your concerns. It seems this parenting business is so much an individual path we all have to figure out on our own. I know that for me, I had to come to the realization myself that what I was doing was not going to work. I had so many people tell me to 'just stop spoiling' DD and use CIO to get her to sleep and I just couldn't do it. I know you're not advocating CIO, my point is people are so weird when it comes to parenting approaches that you just have to let them make up their own minds on their own time, which is what you're doing--and you're doing even more by gathering information to share with your friend if and when she's ready to hear it from you. You are a great friend and it makes me smile.
No major progress here, but no regression either, just hanging in there. Night 12 she woke 4 times for about 10 minutes each time (most of the time she's crying and rolling around trying to get back to sleep on her own) Last night (#13) she woke 3 times and was up for the day at 5:00. At that point, I nursed her and she slept another 80 minutes. Not the best thing to have done, but I was exhausted and not thinking straight and she was definitely going to be up for the day otherwise.
Anyway, I think I know what the problem is. So far, I've been focusing on night weaning and hoping that would solve the NWs, but I don't think it's that simple. THe problem is that DD never fully got the hang of independent sleep, and until she does, she'll continue to wake and ask for help in the night. (seems obvious, but for some reason it's just sinking in for me now.) I need to use GW at all NWs, in addition to PD. I've been forgetting to incorporate GW.
Next week we'll be traveling so I've put sleep training on hold for now (I'm with you Afeswick!). But I think stopping the night nursings is a small step in the right direction, so obviously I'll continue to not nurse.
I have one question about GW (if any of you know and have actually made it this far): At BT, I've been putting DD to bed awake, and she's done fine falling asleep with me sitting next to her. However, the past two nights, after trying for 5 minutes to fall asleep, DD apparently gave up on sleep, stood up, and walked around her crib chatting. Last night I got frustrated so stepped outside the room for a minute (during which time DD fell out of crib, oh the guilt, but I won't talk about that now).
My question: with GW, if your LO decides it's fun to joke around while you're there sitting next to her, what do you do? Step out of the room? Ignore her?
many thanks