Ladies I hope you can give me some advice. Not sure if this is the right section, so please move if you feel it is better somewhere else.
DD is an extremely spirited 3.5 month old. We are working roughly on a 3 hour EASY.
The problem is screaming. She squeals when she is happy. But when she is unhappy she doesn't cry or fuss, she goes straight for an ear piercing scream. She goes silent and I can feel her winding up for it and I can't do anything to distract her to stop if from happening. She will scream anywhere from a minute to half an hour with tears rolling down her face.
She doesn't like to be alone and is unhappy when she can't see me. But the worst is nap and bedtimes. Going into her room at sleep time just makes her scream. I now don't close the blackout blind until she's sleeping and this seems to help a little. I always put a night light on. She's a short napper during the day but a good sleeper at night.
During A time she will play quite happily in the same room as me, as long as she is sitting up, and I am talking to her and joining in with her now and again. She hates to be lying down and hates sitting in her rocker chair (never use the rocker as she hates that) as she doesn't like to be "strapped in". She's best when sitting on the sofa propped up safely with cushions (luckily we have a sofa in the kitchen) and having plenty to look at.
I actually shouted at DD today which makes me feel dreadful and obviously made her scream more. I try to be attentive to her signs for hunger and tiredness.
I just don't know what to do, and any help you can offer would be so helpful.