DD has gone off movies - partly due to her imagination, and being scared, so I am going to make sure I sit down with her next time to watch one and chat through it with her. But, before she went off them, she used to love 'The Land Before Time' movies with Littlefoot. Not the first one though as Mummy Dinosoar dies, but all the others - 'The Time of Great Giving', 'The Journey to Big Water' etc. She loves all the songs in them and they are cute stories. She's also watched Winnie the Pooh and enjoyed those. I recently bought her 'Tinkerbell and the great Fairy Rescue' which she liked, but now says the cat is scary so she hasn't wanted to watch that either. She will happily watch other TV though. I might try Cinderella as she loves that book. Awhile ago I borrowed some movies off my friend and they were all the old classics that I remembered as a child like, 'Lady and the Tramp', '101 Dalmations' etc so I might try them as well.