Author Topic: need help switching some feeds to whole milk  (Read 966 times)

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Offline Mrswu

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need help switching some feeds to whole milk
« on: December 01, 2010, 16:56:57 pm »
Hi, my 14 month old is still taking 5 BM feeds a day.  Some in a bottle at daycare and some nursing.  I would like to see if I can get the milk feeds at daycare switched over to whole milk as pumping is difficult.  Can anyone point me in the direction as to how to do this?

Also, I am thinking of doing goat milk instead of cow, but am curious if I would heat it up like we do the EBM?  Goat milk has a bit of a stronger odor/taste when heated...

He has had limited introduction to dairy, both cow and goat (cheese and yougert)... seems okay with both but hasn't been crazy about either...


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Re: need help switching some feeds to whole milk
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2010, 17:47:55 pm »
I gave milk cold and in a cup. I used those Nuby ones that have a silicone spout so DS could still suck on it a little. We used cow's milk, not goat, so no help there I'm afraid. I would try offering it cold before warming it up, and just start with one feed at first. If he takes that one well, he can go to another. I think I only gave DS about 6 oz., but he was weaned by this age too, so he was only getting 3 milk feeds a day. You could probably try offering a little less if he's getting 5 feeds. Hope that helps!

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Re: need help switching some feeds to whole milk
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2010, 18:06:20 pm »
You could try adding milk gradually to the BM he has by swapping an oz at a time so he gets used to the taste gradually. How much is he taking at a time in bottles? After a year milk isn't a feed any more as it can take their apetite away from solids, most toddlers by this age are having milk at wake up and bedtime and some as a drink with meals rather than filling up on it. I would switch the day bottles to a cup and keep nursing for morning and bedtime.


Offline Mrswu

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Re: need help switching some feeds to whole milk
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2010, 21:09:24 pm »
Hi, thanks for the comments.  I know he probaby doesn't need this much of my milk now but he still is soo interested in nursing I wasn't sure about decreasing feeds.  His daytime bottles are 4.5 oz each.  He doesn't drink water well from a cup so I am not sure he will get enough liquids if I switch the milk to a cup.  But we will try.  He does like drinking juice from a cup but I rarely let him have any.  (pretty much only when DH is drinking juice and my LO notices and wants some).

I will give both things a try.  Thanks.