My boy (15 months) also drinks a lot of water. I've always thought it was a good thing. He still eats really well. We are in Summer here so I think it's a good thing. My DD has always been a great water drinker as well - and still at 3.5 years old asks for water, not juice, when she's thirsty. I wouldn't be worrying about it at all. I find children that drink a lot of water look really healthy - they seem to have a glow to their skin and bright eyes - I think it's a good thing, and drinking water and being hydrated is very important... I've also read that water helps digest a protein meal easily and that not enough water during the day can actually be a cause for a NW. I generally give the meal first before a drink of water, so if you find that she's drinking too much water then not eating food, then try that. But like I said, my son drinks heaps and still eats all his food...