Author Topic: success with EASAS?  (Read 841 times)

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success with EASAS?
« on: December 02, 2010, 09:30:04 am »
Hi there,

Ok, this is a plan B, but my LO does have probs with short naps. Occasionally he will do a long one by himself, and if he does a short 45min one, I've seen no difference at all whether I've gone in at 30mins and attempted httj, gone in at 30 mins and waited for him to stir a bit then doing shh/pat, or waited outside to see if he'll settle himself first and if not then go in and shh/pat - since the latter has sometimes worked, I just wait now for all naps to see if he'll settle without me, before intervening.

For the times when this isn't working and he just doesn't even seem tired/sleepy after a 45min nap (just wanting to smile/coo - or getting frustrated that I'm trying to get him back to sleep when he doesn't want to!), someone suggested that I try EASAS, ie give up trying to resettle and do a little A time before going back and trying again. Most of the time this isn't really an option as it took so long to settle in the first place that there's not enough time to do another A and S before the next E (I'll usually bring this forward a bit)... but when he settles well and still takes a short nap, I've tried EASAS but still he won't go back to sleep - so he's very OT after the next feed and even harder to settle!

Has anyone had this issue and been successful with EASAS - and if so, any tips? Thanks!

Offline anna*

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Re: success with EASAS?
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2010, 09:35:10 am »
We did it on occasion when Stan was very young - but it really means keeping the middle A time very short indeed.

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Re: success with EASAS?
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2010, 11:49:14 am »
It was you who suggested it, wasn't it Anna? Can you remember an example? Did you do this when he woke happy from a short nap and did you wait till he looked like he might be tired again before trying to get him back down?

Eg this morning he did 45min nap after 1h A time and didn't seem sleepy at all afterwards, just wanting to smile etc except when I tried to insist he went back to sleep. So 20 mins after he woke, I put him in his chair for a while, and after another 15mins wanted to take him back - but he was so alert and smiley that I waited another 5min, by which time he looked like he might have been tired again so we tried to get back to sleep but failed.

So by the time he got to sleep after the next feed he'd had 2h A time in total and did 30min nap! Just tried for 45mins to get him back as he kept seeming like he'd doze off on me but cried every time I put him back down - now on time out and about to go back to see if we can get any sleep at all, otherwise I'll just feed a bit early and try again...

Any tips on that middle A time - watching cues or clock and what sort of activity? My LO's very content just sitting in his chair but will start crying again the moment we re-enter his room...

Offline anna*

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Re: success with EASAS?
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2010, 23:54:35 pm »
Sorry to be so brief but I'm on my phone. We even did that middle A in his cot, he would just lie there and smile at his mobile while I pottered about, then when I spotted the first yawn I could just shut the curtains, rewrap the swaddle and start shush pat