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Having a few problems with solids.
« on: December 02, 2010, 22:25:38 pm »
Hi my LO was weaned at just over 5 months due to reflux and under docs advice, she is now 6 months. All was going well and I posted a while ago about increasing amounts. My problem now is that we are still at a standstill really. I have tried offering solids at all different times, ie half an hour after milk feed, an hour after milk feed, straight after a small milk feed, etc. But she is just not hungry enough to take much. She has purees three times a day and takes anything between a teaspoon and a tablespoon, some days she just will not eat anything and cries for more milk!

We saw a consultant for a follow up appointment for reflux and he said I need to reduce her milk to encourage her to take more solids but how do I do this? Today I tried to give her solids before her milk feed and twice today (breakfast and dinner) she ate the two cubes of purees that I had defrosted and took a full 6oz bottle afterwards. She totally refussed solids at lunch though and only wanted her milk. Is it ok to offer solids first then milk? I just feel like I have no idea what I am doing and no kind of routine with her feeding at the minute! Any help would be great, TIA.

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Re: Having a few problems with solids.
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2010, 22:43:49 pm »
Just make sure she is getting enough milk.  It's still more important than the solids.

Is it the food she is not interested in, or being fed?  My DS2 is 7mos, and he just hates being spoon fed, but is doing ok with BLW.  Every now and then he will eat a lot of purees which makes me think he likes them, but nope it's just a fluke.  He really doesn't like me feeding him.  I think some babies would rather just have the control themselves.

Here is some info on BLW.  Maybe if you tried a different approach she might seem more interested?

I think at her age it's ok if she prefers the milk, and you should favor milk over solids still. 

HTH :)
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Re: Having a few problems with solids.
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2010, 23:35:58 pm »
Thanks for replying. No she doesn't seem to mind being fed, sometimes she wolfs down the whole lot, opening her mouth for more before I can reload the spoon! Then other times she is just not interested at all. We have tried some finger foods and although everything normally goes in her mouth she is reluctant to put food in herself. I put banana in for her and she 'chewed' it all up and swallowed no problem, but wouldn't put it in her mouth herself. Will keep trying though.

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Re: Having a few problems with solids.
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2010, 00:24:50 am »
Definitely keep trying - try purees, try finger foods, try all sorts of different things - but don't worry when she's not interested.  Some days my guy hardly eats any solids at all, but as long as he's getting his milk he's happy.  I would rather him eat when he wants to eat than me insisting when he doesn't want to, kwim? 

I know the consultant said to reduce milk in favor of solids, but I really don't think that is what babies need.  Milk is so much more nutritious.  I would keep offering milk first for now, especially seeing as how she is only 6mos.  As she grows and gets more active she will probably become hungrier for solids.

Here are some links to feeding routines which might help you figure out what you want to do:
Honestly, you don't have to stress too much about structured meals when it comes to solids.  Keep her milk feeds structured in her routine, and fit solids in when you can.  A good way to do it is to let her eat with you.  It might help if you approach it differently.  6mos is still SUPER early in the solids game, it often takes babies many months to get the hang of eating solid foods, so you have lots of time to figure it out.  :)
Mama to
Mr. Personality 2008
Mr. Mischievious 2010
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