Hi my LO was weaned at just over 5 months due to reflux and under docs advice, she is now 6 months. All was going well and I posted a while ago about increasing amounts. My problem now is that we are still at a standstill really. I have tried offering solids at all different times, ie half an hour after milk feed, an hour after milk feed, straight after a small milk feed, etc. But she is just not hungry enough to take much. She has purees three times a day and takes anything between a teaspoon and a tablespoon, some days she just will not eat anything and cries for more milk!
We saw a consultant for a follow up appointment for reflux and he said I need to reduce her milk to encourage her to take more solids but how do I do this? Today I tried to give her solids before her milk feed and twice today (breakfast and dinner) she ate the two cubes of purees that I had defrosted and took a full 6oz bottle afterwards. She totally refussed solids at lunch though and only wanted her milk. Is it ok to offer solids first then milk? I just feel like I have no idea what I am doing and no kind of routine with her feeding at the minute! Any help would be great, TIA.