......and also at all other times!

This might be better off on the behaviour board, but mealtimes are our main issue. How do I deal with it?
DS is nearly 19 months. We are having things thrown at every mealtime, usually its if he's frustrated with not being able to get food on his fork, or Mummy interfering too much (you know, trying to help and all that!) but sometimes it just seems to be for no apparent reason at all. Sometimes it's food that gets thrown, but if he's got something else in his hand or on his tray then that gets thrown first - fork, spoon, sippy, or the entire plate of food.

I had a sippy full of water thrown at me last night, lid on thankfully, but still, blooming heavy when hitting your head at full speed!!!

We say 'no' or 'we don't throw things' etc, but it seems to have no impact at all. We've tried removing the food and saying 'if you can't eat properly then you wont have any dinner' but he's not a big boy (smack on average weight and height) and I don't want him to miss meals, or be waking in the night hungry.....so I usually give it back to him to try again. It's not down to the food we're offering him that's for sure, although he is better when he's more hungry and not so tired, admittedly.
I'm sure this is a normal part of toddler-hood, but how should I be dealing with it? On a couple of occassions I have raised my voice quite crossly (more than I intended too) as he's frustrated me so much (not just with the mealtime issues) and it seemed to have had more of an effect - kind of shocked him - this is not what I want to be doing, 'shouting' at him, but may be I should be being more stern with him than I am in general? I'm by no means soft, and when I say 'no' etc, I do use a stern voice so he understands that I'm not happy. Should I be taking food away so he learns he gets nothing if he acts this way? (He's not a massive eater though, and to be honest, unless he's starving, I dont think he'd be that bothered!). Or should I just be ignoring the bahaviour altogether?
Throwing is definitely his thing at the moment, not necessarily 'at' anyone (usually!) but usually in anger that something isn't going his way. Also hitting, a bit.
I feel I've tried some different approaches and nothing seems to be getting any different reaction. I want to be consistent and doing the 'right' thing.

Help?! (Sorry if this is a bit garbelled!
