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Offline Crispy Chick

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starting solids - Help
« on: December 03, 2010, 14:55:23 pm »

My DS2 is almost 7 months.  I offered him solids (sweet potato from a spoon) when he was just shy of 6 months - he took it well on the first day.  That night he ended up with a serious vomiting bug (i know it was not the food as DS1 and myself had it too), as a consequence he was physically sick for 2 weeks (in hospital at one point for observation too!), immediately after this he has come down with a bad cough and heavy cold.  The coughing makes him gag and makes him sick at times - doc says no meds needed, just ride it out.

Anyway due to the sickness i never ever offered him solids again until i thought he was well enough to take them (this week - although the cough is still bad).  Now when i offer them he refuses to open his mouth and if any touches his lips/mouth he gags, sometimes being a little sick.  I have tried finger foods too (chunks of carrot) and although he went to put it in his mouth the reaction was the same!!!!

I really do not know what to do as he is nearly 7 months, wakening in the night for milk again after having slept through and is a big boy!!!  any advice much appreciated...........

many thanks
My little Tootsie all nice and Cutsie

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Re: starting solids - Help
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2010, 18:34:52 pm »
Hi Christine!  (((hugs))) to your poor LO!  What a lot to go through this past month.  I'm glad he's on the mend. 

I think you should keep trying but take it slow.  You don't need to rush him to take solids if he doesn't want them, in fact you can't make him eat.  He will have to do it when he feels ready.  He might still be getting over this month of illness.

Sorry that he is waking at night.  Just be sure he is getting all the milk he needs during the day.  What happens if you don't feed him at night?  Perhaps he is waking for another reason, teething maybe?

Don't stress for now if he is not interested.  It will be his decision to eat.  But I do think you should keep offering, in a relaxed manner.

(((hugs))), my DS2 is 7mos now and starting solids has been very slow!  He won't open his mouth for the spoon and isn't really keen on finger foods either.  He really doesn't eat much in the way of solids at all!  I've just been sure to offer him something everytime that we eat so that he gets the opportunity to see what it's all about.  Remember, food before 1 is for fun anyway, and milk is more important than solids at this point.  :)
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Offline Crispy Chick

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Re: starting solids - Help
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2010, 14:58:19 pm »
Hey, thanks Martina

I do think he is still suffering a bit - his cough wakes him at night but then he seems to scream for food - perhaps he has a sore throat.  Doc says this could take ages to go....

Good to hear we are not alone.  What age did you start your LO on solids, just out of interest???

I am going to keep trying every day, it is just so disheartening when they wont open their mouth!!  He puts everything else he finds in the house in his mouth (LOL).  you having better luck with finger foods???

My LO woke twice for milk last night.  He gets loads during the day andhe is a big lad, i dont think i could possibly get any more milk into him!!!

My little Tootsie all nice and Cutsie