DS is 14 mo. He was BF and never took a bottle of EBM or formula. I weaned him slowly off the breast - his last feeding was at the end of October. I thought his refusal to drink milk was tied to BFing and my Pedi agreed, saying that BM just tastes better. All this time later and guess what? He still won't drink milk... at all. AT ALL, not even 1 oz a day. Not in a sippy, not in an open cup, not from my cup, not from a bottle. In desperation I even tried chocolate milk and he refuses that too

He won't eat cheese, yogurt or pudding either. I'm at a total loss here. I'm worried about his calcium and fat intake.
On the rare occasion I do manage to sneak some milk into him, he doesn't react badly to it - no rashes, diarrhea, ect, so I don't think it's a lactose problem. He does have reflux... I don't know if that can be connected?
Has anyone been through this? Does anyone have any advice for me?