Author Topic: 7 week old - wakes at 45 minutes every time!  (Read 3258 times)

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Offline ATLmom2010

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7 week old - wakes at 45 minutes every time!
« on: December 08, 2010, 13:21:11 pm »
Hi I'm hoping to get some advice on how to get my daughter to sleep through the 45 minutes. If I let her sleep on my she will sleep through the 45 minutes. In all fairness we just finally got the EASY working yesterday so this may be premature, but it's driving me crazy.

She is 7 weeks old today (non-adj, 2.5 weeks early), 7.5 lbs.

Our day yesterday was the following - 3 cycles

E - 25-30 minutes of bf
A - 25-30 minutes of tummy time, sitting in chair or looking at pictures (one each A, not all during one A)
S - starts with wind down and 60 (cycle 1), 40 (cycle 2), 20 (cycle 3) minutes of shh / pat

After 45 minutes she wakes up screaming. I tried to settle her yesterday and gave into feeding her. The first time it was 2:40 since the last feed, the second time was 2:20 since the last feed and the third was just 2 hours. I don't think she's hungry as she's not presenting her hungry cry, but I can't settle her otherwise. I also don't think she's hungry because it literally happens at 45 minutes. I could set a clock by it.

She's a gem at night. She goes for a 4.5 - 5 hour stretch followed by a 3-4 hour stretch. The shorter one seems to depend on if she's trying to have a bowel movement/gas relief.

I'm nervous for what today holds. So far:

6:30 - wakes up, diaper change
6:35 - bf for 26 minutes
7:35 - begin wind down, becomes drowsy, place in sleeper and pat
7:45 - alseep
7:55 - stop patting and leave room

It's 8:20 now and I'm just waiting for her to wake up screaming. I'll be headed into the room in 10 minutes to try and help her through the waking, but yesterday there was no luck.

As far as her sleep cues go I'm still trying to figure these out. She will start yawning 5 minutes after feeding her so I know that's not the right cue.

Any advice to get through the 45 minutes would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Offline ATLmom2010

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Re: 7 week old - wakes at 45 minutes every time!
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2010, 14:31:48 pm »
So I went in there and started patting once she started stirring. She went through opening hers eyes and eyes rolling back. I continued patting for about 5 min until I thought she was out. Unfortunately I only ended up getting an extra 15  minutes before she started screaming. Argh. I tried calming her for 10 min, after which I just fed her.

So today she has gone 2.5 hours between feedings (incl. 10 min of screaming) and a 1 hr nap. I guess I should be thankful but I'm looking for more time without my intervention so I can shower, shave, AND dry my hair.

Any advice is still welcomed!!!!!!!!!!

Offline lpperry

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Re: 7 week old - wakes at 45 minutes every time!
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2010, 22:14:33 pm »
My oldest had the same issues.  Instead of shh-patting when LO starts to stir, just put your hands on her and apply pressure to get her through the jerks.  I put pressure where the hands would jerk and where the feet would lift.  I always went in at the 40 minute mark and waited for the first sign of stirring and then put pressure on LO.  Shhpatting when she starts to stir might be waking her up.  I had to hold through the jerks for 3-4 days with my LO until he could get through on his own.   

Also, is she completely swaddled? That helps with getting through the jerks because the arms can't go flailing. 

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Re: 7 week old - wakes at 45 minutes every time!
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2010, 16:48:47 pm »
Hi there! Congrats on the great nights!
First, a few questions: Is your LO swaddled? Does she have a paci? How long is her A time (eyes open until eyes closed, asleep)? You can post your EAS from yesterday if you'd like.
Have a read through these links, there's tons of helpful info in here:
We'll go by your DD's adjusted age - so, we'd be looking at a 4wk old routine. Let me know what you think
ps-I totally know what you mean about getting a shower, shave, and being able to dry your hair! It's like heaven when it starts happening on a regular basis :)