I've attempted PU/PD in the past but I didn't stick with it and I'm not sure I even did it correctly.
As far as yesterday, I think the last nap was necessary, given our recent OT drama and when she fell asleep in the car I seized the opportunity to give her some sleep. However, I am concerned about the car becoming a prop....maybe I should wander over to the props board.
Also - last night she went down for the night at around 7 and woke up sometime between 10-11, again screaming. DH went in there and was able to calm her down without picking her up at all....he left while she was still wide awake (sitting up actually) and she settled down back to sleep within a few minutes and slept until 6:45am. I took that as a good sign. We also got a great first nap this morning and I'm really going to try hard for a good second one this afternoon.
So you're saying that at this age, 7 months, I should be able to put her in the crib wide awake and just leave? Is crying expected?
Also - questions about the first nap she took...she woke up sometime between 6:30 and 6:45 this morning. I put her down for her nap at 9:20 and she was sleeping by around 9:30. She woke up after 30 minutes, not screaming, but sitting up and starting to fuss. I ignored her for a few minutes but it was starting to escalate and I wanted to avoid her getting really riled up so I went in there. I changed her, held her for a bit and put her back down, again wide awake, and she slept for additional hour and a half. I was pleased with that nap, a combined 2 hours!!! BUT - I was I the prop in that case? I'm working to extend naps to get her to sleep longer but when do I become the prop? Is this a question for the props board?