Author Topic: Tips to boost fat content in breast milk.  (Read 46965 times)

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Tips to boost fat content in breast milk.
« on: December 10, 2010, 04:42:20 am »
Hi Ladies (and gents),

I am after some ideas about how to boost the fat content in my breast milk.  I am on an elimination diet, so no dairy, soy or gluten and although I don't think this has adversely affected my milk supply my DD has been a slow gainer and since she has become more active her weight gain has dropped off dramatically (in 2 months she has gone from the 25th percentile to the 3rd).

I do not have copious amounts of milk, never have and didn't with my DS either (he had failure to thrive due to reflux and possibly low milk but not really sure, he vomited continually and copiously!) and since DD started backwards crawling at 5 months things just really slowed.  She is well established on solids and my clinic nurse has advised to give more protein in her diet, I am also adding small amounts of canola oil incase she is not getting enough fats from me, but really wondered if there are any ideas for what I can be eating to up my milk also.

I eat almonds and avocados frequently as I have been told these will help, I am expressing 3 times a day to get a top up bottle for her in the evening and generally I take blessed thistle and fenugreek daily too (but have run out the last week or so)....does anyone know any other tips or tricks to help?

Oh when I express I can see the separate layers, with the "cream" the "fattier milk" and the "watery milk", but I must say there isnt' much cream on top..

Thanks so much ladies, you're all angels

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Re: Tips to boost fat content in breast milk.
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2010, 07:39:37 am »
Hello sweetheart!

My DD2 was/is a slow gainer too and is tiiiny! How old is your bubba now? Can't keep track :P

Research has indicated that you can't really affect the amount of fat in your milk but that you can affect which types of fat it contains. So a diet with a lot of 'healthy' fats would give your baby more of those good fats too. Also evening milk is higher in fat than morning milk, so feeding as much as you can yourself in the evenings gives her higher fat milk than giving a bottle with pumped milk from the am for example.
For the supply, have tried eating oatmeal? It has to be the real stuff and not the instant. It's very good for milk production and is easy to make and cheap to buy. Me and DD have it as porridge almost every morning and I add a bit of butter to hers to make it nice and fatty :)

Doing breast compressions increase the fat content of the milk that comes out during them as it helps the fat-globules to move down the ducts faster, therefor making the milk 'hindmilk' quicker.

Have a look here too
And here as also making sure her solids contain fore fat/calories may help the weight gain. You can also compare different foods and BM. Making sure they get plenty of milk until 1yo rather than replacing too much with solids is important (but you know this ;)) and also trying to ensure many of the solids she eats contain at least the same, or more, fat and protein than BM is a good idea to boost weight gain.

The other thing that is important for those of us that don't usually have copious amounts of milk is to not drop feeds too quickly. It often has to do with storage capacity rather than ability to produce milk, and women who don't have huge storage capacities *need* to feed more frequently in order to keep up supply and get baby all the milk she needs (although they still have the same ability to produce plenty and meet the requirements of their baby over a 24 hr period, they need to do more feeds). Nightfeeds also helps this, but I know most mums are keen to stop nightfeeds as soon as they can :-\ Just thought I'd throw it out there though...

I hope this can be of some help. :-*
"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

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Re: Tips to boost fat content in breast milk.
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2010, 09:38:36 am »
Thanks beautiful, yes that is helpful.  I am still feeding her roughly 4 hourly, sometimes 4.5 depending on her sleeps (she is 7 months old now...scary).  I did actually try "topping" her up just before her naps and it was good for her weight gain, but because of her reflux and terrible gut it made her SO windy that she just wasn't able to sleep at night time, I was on the couch with her for hours every night....that's why I figured pumping (as well as increasing my supply) would be a better way to go as likely she would get a better balance of fore and hind milk in one big bottle pumped from the pm of the night before, am and pm from that day.  My body doesn't pump too well, so I don't get heaps at each pump but it's enough to give her a little longer streach at the beginning of the night which is great...I'm usually only feeding once a night now, sometimes twice (or an EW) which is manageable.

I have NO expectations of dropping night feeds, since my DS had unmedicated reflux I never expected STTNs ;D  so I don't mind night feeding as long as she re-settles and I can go back to bed, bliss!!

Before I went gluten free, yes I was having porridge every day for brekkie, but don't think I can have it now?  I haven't found any certified gluten free oats around, but will have a closer look if you can get them?

I am also having problems with her getting constipated, so all the really good root veggies that you normally start a baby on have been put on hold....I am really going round in circles with her at the moment.  My one consolation is that she is a very happy, bright and active little darling so I know she is WELL, I just don't know whether she would "tell" me that she wasn't getting enough. Having said that she is very demanding if I don't get her the solids on time so I guess she would??!!

Ahhh I don't know, I think sometimes that I am so focussed on breast feeding that I am putting my need to feed ahead of her needs, but I just wanted this to work so badly.  I am really just wishing that she would gain at a normal rate I guess.  Funny because since I went to the clinic and got the advice about protein etc initially she put on a couple of hundred grams (according to my scales) in about 4 days....since then, nothing, even though I am still giving her similar amounts, similar foods etc.  Feel like I am driving myself a bit crazy about it, but in a week if her gains haven't improved I said that I would top her up with formula so I was really REALLY hoping for things to improve.

(sorry for the rant!)

Thanks so much for your reply darling, it means the world to me

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Offline LizzieN

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Re: Tips to boost fat content in breast milk.
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2010, 10:07:39 am »
Sweetie I meant to ask,
I am pumping about 1.5 hours after I feed DD (sometimes 2 hours but this is only if I get really busy)...I know it says to pump soon after feeding to increase supply, but I am also pumping to try and get a bottle for her in the evening and get really small amounts if I pump sooner and also I have two kiddies now and get so busy I find it virtually impossible to get there sooner....

am I going to be ripping her off by doing this, so will her next feed be considerably smaller because I am pumping at this stage?

Thanks lovely

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Re: Tips to boost fat content in breast milk.
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2010, 10:57:49 am »
not the same but dd2 is a slow gainer she was reflux and MPI
When they put her dairy free esp after 12 months we were told to add fat into everything she ate... even a teaspoon of oil in breakfasts you could try doing something simular with your foods

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Re: Tips to boost fat content in breast milk.
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2010, 11:23:07 am »
If she is on solids can you add more fat to her diet, rather that just to yours?  I know my friend's LO was advised to add cream and butter ad fat to DS's meals to give him more energy (obviously if doing dairy free would need to be veg oils etc).

Also, they do say that when they become mobile they use up some of their stored fat and can lose weight.  As long as your health visitor isn't too concerned and she is eating well (your DD, not health visitor) then hopefully she will slowly put the weight back on.  My friend's LO had "failure to thrive" too but is doing well now. It is difficult when they are labelled with terms like that but go with your gut instinct as to whether you think she is fine.

Lots of hugs - we are doing diary and soya free diet with DS so can't begin to imagine how hard a dairy and gluten diet is ...
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Re: Tips to boost fat content in breast milk.
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2010, 13:00:28 pm »
Sweetie I meant to ask,
I am pumping about 1.5 hours after I feed DD (sometimes 2 hours but this is only if I get really busy)...I know it says to pump soon after feeding to increase supply, but I am also pumping to try and get a bottle for her in the evening and get really small amounts if I pump sooner and also I have two kiddies now and get so busy I find it virtually impossible to get there sooner....

am I going to be ripping her off by doing this, so will her next feed be considerably smaller because I am pumping at this stage?

Thanks lovely

Here's some more info for you :) Good ol' KM again ;) I would write more but have to go out soon. Have a look at the link, there are lots of info in there and see if anything sticks out, ok? There are several points in there that I think applies to you.
"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

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Re: Tips to boost fat content in breast milk.
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2010, 21:28:51 pm »
Quinoa is known for making breast milk very rich. It is a very protein rich whole grain. My midwife tells everyone to eat it and put it in everything. We use it instead of pasta and rice.

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Offline LizzieN

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Re: Tips to boost fat content in breast milk.
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2010, 22:33:04 pm »
Thank you all for the support, Katia yes I love quinoa....haven't been using it heaps, but really like it so will endevour to use it every day...since so many other things are "out" at the moment, it's nice to have something tasty that is "in" :)

Vick - that link didn't add, but thanks for thinking of me lovely, you're amazing.

Louisa and firsttimemummy (sorry sweetheart I've forgotten your name, so vague) - yes I will add some more fats into her diet, was just hoping that I could do it through my's funny to be still stressing about this now because before I know it she will be mainly eating solids and not drinking as much from me, but her weight slowing down like that has concerned me and the clinic nurse and the implication was that if she is eating well then the problem must be my milk :( so sad.

Thank you all for your ideas and support, any time I feel bad about what I can't have I think of Eloise on her mega elimination diet and figure I am so lucky!  Going to my work christmas party tonight, goodness knows if I'll be able to eat there!!!

Hugs all

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Re: Tips to boost fat content in breast milk.
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2010, 23:12:34 pm »
Sorry i meant you could add fat into your diet not hers though not sure how well it would filter into your milk

DD1 Angel/Spirited - Glue ear
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Offline LizzieN

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Re: Tips to boost fat content in breast milk.
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2010, 02:40:29 am »
Vicks links basically said that although you can't increase the fat content of your milk greatly by diet you can alter the fat profile of your milk if you eat healthy fats then your milk has those really good healthy fats....more avocados and almonds for me :)

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Re: Tips to boost fat content in breast milk.
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2010, 08:39:45 am »
Hi again Lizzie,

I couldn't get BW to load on my computer last night so only saw this now
Vick - that link didn't add, but thanks for thinking of me lovely, you're amazing.
Doh! Must have missed pasting it in :-[ Will go find it again... it was about pumping...

Here it is :)

And some more interesting stuff here which indicates that the average amount of milk a mother can express in one *session* not one breast, is between 1 and 3 oz.  Also tells you how the fat layer of the expressed milk can vary and that that is normal.

Also, to increase pumping output could you try pumping both sides at once (need two pumps or a double one though) or, and I found this the best way for me to pump this time round) to pump on one side when LO is feeding on the other. A bit tricky at first but it does get more milk usually.

The quinoa tip is great! I haven't heard this before but will definitely try it myself too as I also love quinoa and could do with richer milk for my tiny girl too :) Thanks Katia!

And to specifically answer this...  
Sweetie I meant to ask,
I am pumping about 1.5 hours after I feed DD (sometimes 2 hours but this is only if I get really busy)...I know it says to pump soon after feeding to increase supply, but I am also pumping to try and get a bottle for her in the evening and get really small amounts if I pump sooner and also I have two kiddies now and get so busy I find it virtually impossible to get there sooner....

am I going to be ripping her off by doing this, so will her next feed be considerably smaller because I am pumping at this stage?
I wouldn't think so hun. Your body adjusts to the demands quite fast. Perhaps there would be less milk for the next feed when you first start doing this, but after a couple of days your body should start to respond and make enough milk for both the pumping session AND the feed. So I would say as long as you do this regularly so the body knows to expect it, there's no problem :)

Didn't know you were gluten free as well. They do sell gluten free oats here in the supermarket so would think you should be able to get it too. Perhaps try health food shops?

And on this...
Ahhh I don't know, I think sometimes that I am so focussed on breast feeding that I am putting my need to feed ahead of her needs, but I just wanted this to work so badly.
Sweetie, you ARE doing the best for her! BM is so so good for them and slowing down in weight gain is very common for BF bubs and perhaps should be seen as 'normal' as it happens a lot especially when they get more mobile. After all BF is the original way to feed your baby and it has been shown that it is very rare that a mother doesn't have good enough quality milk. Of course there are exceptions, but I don't think you need to feel concerned about your milk. And also there are all the emotional bonding benefits you give to your babe by BF. You should be proud of yourself! ;) :-*

Btw, do you compare weight gain on the new WHO charts or an old mainly FF chart? Important to compare to BF bubs as FF babies gain differently. Link to WHO charts here ;)

« Last Edit: December 12, 2010, 08:42:12 am by Vicku »
"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

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Re: Tips to boost fat content in breast milk.
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2010, 12:07:49 pm »
Hey beautiful,
Thank you so much for all that info, it is really reassuring to read that most mums can only pump about 2 ounces per session, that REALLY has been a cause of concern for me...sometimes I pump and wonder why I have bothered.

At the moment I have a hand pump and I feel like I'm getting RSI from all the pumping, I figure if her weight is stabilising when I go back to clinic I may consider buying a pump as it will be a more "long term" thing...

Katia, I made a whole heap on quinoa with roasted veggeis today to have in the fridge for yummy snacks and lunch, I'm getting a bit sick of rice cakes at the moment, so it will be a lovely change :)  Hopefully it also manages to enrich my milk too, what a fantastic bonus for eating something yummy!!

Vick thanks so much for your wonderfully kind and supportive words, you've given me tears in my eyes....I know that breast feeding is the best thing and I've been SO focussed on it working because I was incredibly devastated last time when I had to supplement, her slowing gain really upset me that much I didn't want to go to clinic because I KNEW what they would suggest....But I will do whatever is best for her.  Thank you thank you thank you a thousand times, you're beautiful

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Re: Tips to boost fat content in breast milk.
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2010, 18:19:54 pm »
:-* :)

Let me know how it goes with everything right?
"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

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Re: Tips to boost fat content in breast milk.
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2010, 21:31:20 pm »
Absolutely will sweetheart :)  You have been just wonderful, thank you so SO much.
By the way your babies are absolutely gorgeous

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