My BLW 9.5mo is not wanting to bf during day. He literally wakes up crawling and wont feed then. He has always fed himself and spits out anything I give w/ spoon so I don't give extra milk there. I offer a bottle of formula several times a day but he signs "more" to me which usually means I want "real food". He is a VERY big eater though and my sister said he eats more than her 2yo. Any advice. I have just been following him but now he is NW to Bf (which I though might be teething and still could be). I've read the excerpt on dropping the df which I still do. When I've tried to give it 15min earlier he still wakes at the df time very AWAKE.(granted that could be teething too.
wake 5am- put in bed by me and he goes back to sleep.
wake 6:30 bf(very little on 1 side)
7 bk
9-9:30 nap (2 hr) this may be my problem and I need to shorten this to 1 hr.
11/11:30 bf (sometimes not at all)
12 lunch
3:00 nap (1hr)
5:00dinnner (actually 4:30 yesterday b/c he signed "more" several times.
6 bath
6:30 bf
7 asleep