Hi ladies,
I'm doing just fine....we did an early bedtime yesterday after a decent nap #1 and a not-so-decent nap #2 and no chance of a CN. (She is outright refusing this last nap and my only options are to skip it or do it in the car and last night I decided to skip it). Today I got an amazing first nap, but I went out with her and didn't quite predict correctly when she would fall asleep in the car. She wound up sleeping for maybe 30 minutes at the most and didn't go back. After spending another half an hour driving around with her hoping she would, she started getting annoyed so we came home. I put her in the crib and she's rolling around, exhausted but clearly fussy - typical OT. She seems to be settling, then she'll sit up and fuss, and it goes on and on. If she's not sleeping by 3, back in the car we will go because I really want a nice second nap and I think my only shot here is a crappy OT nap, if that even happens.
Last night she was down by 6:20, up for her own dream feed crying at 10:15 and then slept until 6:20am. The dream feed and I cannot seem to part ways just yet....