My twin daughters are 2 yrs, 8 months and going through something similar. They will refuse to nap sometimes 4 days in a row (although 2 is the longest I like to go) On days that I know they need a nap, I will actually lay next to them to be sure that they get that nap. I have noticed that they now nap 7+ hours after waking in the morning. They wake at 6 (ugh!) and when they nap, they don't fall asleep until 1 and then they wake at 2:30 and are back in bed at 7, asleep around 7:30. They only need 12 total hours, it seems. They either do a 12 hour night or a 10.5 hour night with a 1.5 hour nap. I'm fine with this, I would just like to get their wake time back to 7 (we've still not recovered from the time change!) Maybe try a later bedtime. I've learned from others on this board that at this age, often their morning is long but, they will go to bed just fine 4.5 hours after waking from nap.