Hi! It's hard to guess about the nws without seeing your EASY, especially since those early evening (before midnight) nws can mean OT, but if you've been working with Sarah then I will assume that it's not routine related and see if I can help
I want to preface all of this too by saying that I never actively dropped any night feeds except the dream feed - I know many moms have actively tried to stop feeding at night using various methods, but that wasn't for me. I feel that STTN is a milestone to be reached just like any other (rolling, sitting, walking) and that babies will do it when they are ready - just MHO. That doesn't mean that I fed Dylan every time he woke up though... If he was teething I gave pain meds, made sure room temperature was right, etc. but ultimately if I had covered those bases and he woke up, then I assumed hunger and fed him. I actively dropped the dream feed around 9mo, and Dylan dropped the last night feed on his own at just over 1yo. Other than illness or teething, he has STTN ever since.
So, that first nw. As you can probably already guess... If you have given pain meds for teething, ensured that he is comfortable (temperature, no diaper pinching, not tangled in blankets, etc.), and tried to resettle another way and it's not working, then I would (and did!) feed. Especially if he is taking a full feed - that to me is not an "I need the boob for comfort/as a prop" kind of thing, kwim? To me, it's not really AP... AP would be relying on bfing to get him to sleep on a regular basis (naps and nws). Some may disagree though, and hopefully some other moms will jump on with their perspectives too
Now, could that feed be causing other nws? Maybe - does he wake up with gas? Or is his diaper really soaked? Either of those could cause discomfort and wake him. Or it could be teeth (meds wearing off), too cold (kicked off blanket), or the like. Could be hunger. Does he take a full feed if you feed him again? If he's awake for a while, what's his demeanor like? Happy and ready to play or fussy and cranky? What would happen if you just left him to it? When I say that Dylan STTN, I really mean that I never had to go to him. Sometimes I would hear him shift or cough and wake up over the monitor, whine or chat for a bit, then go back off to sleep. If he started properly crying I would go to him, but otherwise I left him to it.
Here's a link that I found helpful when trying to minimize night wakings:
http://www.kellymom.com/bf/weaning/weaning-night.htmlHope something in here is helpful!