I am just wondering what the best way to get rid of DS's bottle is??
He is 22mths and LOVES his bottles. He has never in the history of his life refused milk.
He weaned onto a sippy cup for his morning milk easily at about 12mths, but has always refused to drink his milk from a cup a night. Now he is nearly 2 and we have #2 on the way I think it is a good time to address this.
Also I don't think he actually needs as much milk as he has before bed, but he loves it so much that no matter how much you give him he will always drink it, but when he had a sippy cup for his day milk he would often not finish it.
I have tried telling him he is a big boy and big boys don't have bottles, but he cries and cries until he gets it in a bottle.
How else can I get his night milk into a cup???