Author Topic: slowed way down to the point of weaning. having second thoughts  (Read 2490 times)

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Offline baba-gaga

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My son is 14 weeks old today. Ever since 2 months old (the day I got my period back)  he started having trouble nursing. Fussing bobbing off and on and feeding frequently. I was stressed and my husband was too. My DS was gassy and fussy in between and not having many wet diapers or bms. . We finally decided that we would slowly get him on to formula. Things have gotten better..(except for nights he is up more than when he was nursing) I am not sure if it was formula that made him happy or the 3 month mark or what but after reading ppl s posts on here I see it's a common problem. I pump once a day for comfort and Im sure my supply is going down. Question is if I decide to go back to nursing now to give it another shot will my supply go back up? Also is this ok to switch him back to breast milk from almost all formula again ? My husband will probably not like the idea since he like the change in the baby since I slowed way down. I am less stressed but I wanted to nurse my baby till at least six months. Please help me. What should I do?

Offline my3girlsjde

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Re: slowed way down to the point of weaning. having second thoughts
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2010, 16:37:11 pm »
You can absolutely start to bf again if that's the right decision for your family.  Your supply will come back up as the baby puts demands on you for more milk. You can combine feed ie formula for one or some feeds and same with bf. I also got my period back at 8 weeks and my supply seemed to drop every time af was around.

If dh is greatly opposed I'd like to think it would be a family decision but a comprimise may be to do night and first am feeds via bfing with maybe another. All other feeds could be formula. Your body should make what he asks it to. There are others here with more experience but in my experience that's what I'd do.


Vicki - nursing student and proud mother to three refluxers in two years

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Re: slowed way down to the point of weaning. having second thoughts
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2010, 04:12:49 am »
Vicki's given you great advice :)

Here's some information for you too:

The trick would be to, whatever you decide to do, go slowly.  If you decide to work to return to breastfeeding (whether for one feed or all or somewhere in between!) make sure that you do it gradually so your body has time to get used to making milk again, and your ds has time to get used to getting milk from the breast!  Have a read through the links and let us know if you have any questions :-* :-*
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Offline baba-gaga

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Re: slowed way down to the point of weaning. having second thoughts
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2010, 15:32:23 pm »
So I tried the nursing him before bed last night and it had been about 28 hours since I had done anything with my breasts and that was pumping the afternoon before. It hurt so bad when he started each side and after nursing a good 15 to 20 mins per side without any problems during the nursing but after he got very fussy and gassy for the next hour and a half and would not stay asleep because of it. He changed back to his old self, the reason why I started supplementing in the first place. Then he was hungry by the hour and a half mark so we gave him a bottle of formula then he went to bed for three hours like he has been since we started supplementing. Ugh I dont think this is going to work. I am starting to feel selfish that it's not the best for him because of how he is after and that it's just something I want to do :(

Offline my3girlsjde

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Re: slowed way down to the point of weaning. having second thoughts
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2010, 15:49:53 pm »
Hugs hun :) you're not being selfish. He may be getting gassy due to latch and trying to figure things out again with a much slower flow. It's a lot more work on the breast for both of you. If he's willing, you can put him on to stimulate your milk and top him off or if you're really gung ho you can run a feeding tube supply line into formula and taped to your breast. Just a couple of thoughts. Don't stress yourself out too much. You've done great so far for him and to think that it's giving up would be selling yourself short. Try thinking of it as transitioning to formula. It's just another method of feeding and doesn't change who you are or type of mother you are. I always find my best feeds are when E is sleepy and relaxed, hence we haven't been on EASY for a long time.
Keep at it if that's what you want, it won't be perfect or easy either. Have youy considered getting in touch with a lactation consultant?

Vicki - nursing student and proud mother to three refluxers in two years

Remembering my sleeping angels: 17 Jan 06, 30 Jul 09

Offline baba-gaga

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Re: slowed way down to the point of weaning. having second thoughts
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2010, 19:39:53 pm »
Thanks you for you supportive words. Yes I have been thinking about it. I would love to see one in person. The pediatrician lactation consultants all say the same thing and seem rushed.

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Re: slowed way down to the point of weaning. having second thoughts
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2010, 03:45:21 am »

Don't feel selfish at all!  You need to make the best feeding decision for you and your family.  A happy baby needs a happy mama :)  If you have mixed feelings, I definitely agree that you should see a LC in real life so that you have all the tools to make the best decision for you.  And whether you return to breastfeeding or go to formula feeding full time, you should be proud of the time that you invested into breastfeeding - you gave your lo a wonderful gift! :-*
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Offline baba-gaga

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Re: slowed way down to the point of weaning. having second thoughts
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2010, 04:39:18 am »
Thank you all!

Offline Vicku

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Re: slowed way down to the point of weaning. having second thoughts
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2010, 20:30:31 pm »

I'm just wondering how it's going for you?
I also had a thought while reading through that he may be intolerant to something you're eating? Probably not cow's milk, which is the most common, as he's fine on CM formula, but perhaps he is sensitive to gluten or something else? I know you said the fussiness started when you got your period back, but food intolerance is definitely worth looking into if you do want to go back to BF more. Perhaps have a look at the Food Allergies board there is info there and you could also ask there if you want more info as there are some mommas there who's got experience of intolerances and BF.
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