I stopped nursing my toddler (16 mos) at night two weeks ago and am using GW to deal with NWs. DD still wakes about 4 times a night and asks to nurse, then throws a fit because I refuse. The first few nights she'd ask for water, so I gave her a sippy cup to take to bed. Now she's started asking for apples or bread when she wakes. The first time I gave her a piece of bread and she took a few bites. But obviously that's not a solution, so the next few times just said, No bread now, it's nighttime, time to sleep.
I'm already doing everything I can to make sure she eats as much as she possibly can during the day. Am I doing the right thing by refusing her requests for food at night? I guess I'm just looking for reassurance.
Sorry if this seems like a silly question. I got a super late start to the whole BW/sleep training thing and am having the hardest time of it.