Author Topic: 16 months old throwing tantrum on the highchair  (Read 2734 times)

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Offline tuxa

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16 months old throwing tantrum on the highchair
« on: December 17, 2010, 14:23:54 pm »

Hi everyone.
It seems i am back again with another issue.
My little guy is 16 month now. Time really flew for us.
I try to keep him on a routine to make our lives easier.
He has just switched from 2 naps to one single nap after his lunch.

•   He wakes up around 6:00 asks for his bottle and go for another snooze till 730-800
•   830-900 breakfast - readybrek with fruit
•   9:00 - 11:00 - play, stroll around town, playground (if it is a nice day),chasing the dog, etc
•   He usually has a snack  - fruit or cheese or breadsticks
•   12:00 lunch + fruit or fromage pot
•   1:00 - 2:30/3:00 naps
•   3:00 - on activities ( play, stroll in town, visiting friends, ect)
•   3:30 bathtime
•   4:00 pot of yourgut + fruit
•   5:00 snack
•   6:00 dinner
•   After dinner bit of play
•   7:00 8:00 musical DVD with me or dad.
•   8:00 bottle and bed time.
Little guy is a spirited toddler. I guess no need to say much right??? He is full of energy. It is hard to keep up with him.
My husband works abroad and little one and I are by ourselves a lot. Feel bad since he misses his dad so much...
Lately he started to throw tantrums on his feeding chair. He screams and cries a lot. If I ignore him he will cry forever and get really upset. He is not enjoying his meals as he used to. I really don't know what is wrong with him since he does talk yet. He seems to be in a lot distress.
I don't know if 12:00 is too late for lunch and he is already exhausted or if he misses his dad or he does not like my food anymore or he is bored. 
I try to stay calm and take a long breath but it became very stressful to me as well. To be sincere I fear feeding time.
Try to do everything according to the book: eat with him, calm environment, no distraction but nothing works. I even encourage him to feed himself. i put a bit of his food on a plastic bowl and give him a spoon. Very messy but I want him to see that he can do it as well.
Today I cave in. He got so upset that I had to put him down from his chair. I followed him to the living room and fed him as we watched one of his favourite musical DVD. I know it is wrong and a bad habit.  I just wanted him to eat without tantrums. After finished feeding him I felt so bad. I promised myself that I would never do it again.
Is anyone going to the same problem???
Can anyone give me some tips please?

All the best

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Re: 16 months old throwing tantrum on the highchair
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2010, 23:55:53 pm »
I've not had this issue, and my BW books are currently at my neighbours.  This post will bump you up the page
8) I BFd a combined total of 4y, 1m & 1d

Offline mickeyfreak

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Re: 16 months old throwing tantrum on the highchair
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2011, 18:16:22 pm »
My 18 mo is starting the same thing with breakfast. We've always done EASY with him since...well ever! Since starting food way back when, he liked his breakfast pretty much as soon as possible. So I found some quick fixes to satisfy him and me. The past 10 days or so, it's been an all out war at breakfast time. I'd put him in the chair, screamed more. Thinking he wanted to eat like the rest of the family at the table, I set him over there, more screaming, fun.
My hubby suggested maybe just sitting with him for a while. So I tried that, only to have him MORE hungry and a longer war. Once he gets a couple of bites in his system he seems to be alright. Almost like I'm trying to force feed him some kind of toxic waste and then when it finally hits him that it is food. He calms down and eats very peaceably. So I hate to say that in order to find some peace I've force fed him a couple of bites (I know very disrespectful), yet seemed to achieve the satisfaction of his stomach and the time of his screaming.
The last couple of days I've tried just letting him be and see what he wanted. But to no avail, he just walked around the house screaming. He does like to feed himself I know this. Yet I'm at my wits end on what is up.
I'm sorry I know this doesn't help you at all!! I guess I just wanted you to know there are other silly tantrum throwing toddlers out there!