Does your LO have any sensitivities or intolerances to start with?
There are two schools of thought here I think. One is to keep going slow using the 3 day rule. This is good especially if your LO has a sensitive tummy or if you have started solids before 6mos.
The second is that after 6mos a baby's tummy is mature enough to handle pretty much anything other than maybe some of the more troublesome foods, so you shouldn't have to wait 3 days between introduction. This train of thought works particularly with baby-led weaning since technically baby isn't eating a whole heck of a lot to start with anyway. With baby-led weaning, there are no restrictions really on what LO's can eat, pretty much anything goes after 6mos (with peanuts and honey being the exception).
Dairy is something you want to pay special attention to. Cow's milk is certainly best left until a year, but you can introduce cheese and yogurt sooner. I think you can try cheese and yogurt, but with those I would introduce, wait, and watch for reactions, just in case.
No way you go about it is wrong. Just be prepared that if there is a reaction that it won't be so easy to figure out if she has had more than one food introduced. Still, often it's not hard to play detective.
I never used the 3 day rule with DS1. We did start kinda slow, but I got impatient and after about 7mos just kinda gave him whatever with no problems at all. With DS2 we are doing BLW and I give him all sorts of things without waiting for reactions, and he's been fine.
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