Been awol for a bit as had a horrible bout of flu which I am still exhausted from. Keaton had been sleeping really well, between 7 and 7.30 at night to around 7am with a nap of about 2hr 15 to 2hr 30 from between 11.30 and 12.30. Last Monday morning he suddenly woke up at 5.30 and wouldn't go back to sleep. He has been up between 5 and 6 every morning since, normally nearer 5, 5.10 this morning.
Ic'm still recovering from the flu and really can't cope with it for much longer. It was his teeth that started it, he cut his first molars on Tuesday and his second on Wednesday (they have been causing us trouble on and off for months) the thing is they've been through for 5 days now and there are no signs the bottom ones following.
What do you all think, is this still his teeth or have we managed to form a habit? This early morning sleep time has always been vulnerable for him but I really value it and feel I really need it now to help me recover.
Any ideas gratefully appreciated.