My DD is turning 8 months old in a week or so. I am having some issues with her bottle feeding and would appreciate some insight from you ladies
Our typical easy looks like this (although it does vary day to day)
6:30 - wake up
7 or 7:30 - bottle
8:30 - solids (oatmeal and fruit)
9:30 - nap (usually around 1 - 1.5 hours and must be extended by me. We're working on naps.)
11 or 11:30 - solids (fruit or veg)
12:30 - bottle
2 - nap
4:30 or 5 - solids (veg or meat and veg)
6:30 - bottle
7 - bed
And I've started a DF again
She also gets a little juice during the day because we are practicing with the sippy cup and eats puffs here and there as a snack. Like I said, this does vary day to day but this is pretty much the routine we strive for.
Here's my issue:
My DD will not drink from her bottle unless she wants it and will only drink as much as she wants. So if I'm hoping to get 6 oz in her and she will only take 3, that's my problem, not hers. I sometimes struggle to fit in her bottles, her solids and her naps during the day. Naps are first and foremost, bottles second and solids last in terms of my priorities. HOWEVER, I do know she should be having a balanced diet at this point of solids and bottles. She started waking for night feedings and was draining 7 oz bottles in the middle of the night/early morning (4 or 5am) all last week so I started doing a dream feed again. I feel that if she needs those ounces, I'd rather do it at 10pm rather than at 3am.
There are times (like this morning) that a dream feed will interfere with her bottle the next morning. She had a 7 oz bottle at 10:30 last night (she actually woke up hungry for this bottle) and therefore wasn't that interested in her morning bottle. This throws us off and I feel like I need to play catch-up the rest of the day in terms of ounces which is a lot of pressure because she won't drink if she doesn't want to.
I tried to drop a bottle at one point, since we were having success with offering larger bottles less often but that didn't seem to last.
I'm wondering if her solids are filling her up too much, but at this point she prefers her solids and my pedi seems to say its okay if she takes less formula now. BUT she's waking up hungry
Sorry if this is rambling...any advice here?