Thanks girls this is great. Tbh I don't feel massively worried, what will be will be, I just want to make it as smooth as poss
Hey Charli. Whenever we would go anywhere with T I would pretty much take the entire contents of his bed (or as much as I could fit in the suitcase ) and recreate it.
Thanks sweetie, DD is at a stage where she literally has about 17 toys in her bed
But she always chooses 2 to take to nursery so I will get her to pick 2 to bring with us, and I think I will bring her pillow
showing him his bed earlier in the day and explaining that is where he will sleep, etc.
Start talking about the "holiday" and how nice it will be etc so that she knows what is coming, and is prepared for it.
I really like these ideas, thank you. She responds well to talking about things in advance.
I cuddle with DS1 to help him sleep and it become sour holiday thing, but he sleeps in his own bed.
I have no problem doing this, I don't think she will connect it to sleeping at home, thanks hun
Now I need to make a list of everything, geez who knew 2 nights away with 2 kids (3 inc DH) would need so much planning!!
Thanks girls xxx