Hi, Its really difficult to tell because he will always eat and things have been so much worse since he has been ill. If I take him off the boob too early (before he is asleep) he will complain and go back to eating but then it peters into comfort sucking. He won't take anything from a cup. I cant even really get him to take much water either (he will from a straw cup but still not much). I really do need to sort this now in the early stages of pregnancy because if I stop the feeding him (if its been longer than 1 hour he's been latched on), he will fight me - push me, climb up me, arch himself and scream. I won't be able to handle this as my pregnancy develops.
My OH is backwards and forwards on whether or not he will help me. I think its safe to say that 'no' he isn't really around much. He has a very demanding job and travels alot. He is also rubbish if he hasn't had much sleep so I find its easier for me to just deal with these issues.
So my lo has been up since 5 and went down for a nap at 10.30am and is still asleep so he is clearly exhausted. He has missed lunch, we have no routine at all since he has been ill. I need to sort this mess out - where do I start? I shouldn't be feeding him more than he is eating now should I, which is what is happening at the minute? I don't know whether its time to try and nightwean completely.... sorry this is such a ramble I'm exhausted and drained!