I'm also hoping Ds1 makes it a full 2 years nursing, but would like him to still get BM beyond that. I mean, I'm still planning on nursing Ds2 for 2 years as well, so I might as well keep giving it to them as long as they'll take it. It's just SOOO good for them, I can't deny the health benefits. Even if they only take it in a cup, or on oatmeal, I don't think that's weird, do you?
I thought my milk changed to colostrum a few times during my preg, but I think that was just my hormones changing the consistency of my milk. It didn't truly change to colostrum until very close to my EDD, and even still, it wasn't fully colostrum until after Ds2 was born. My MW's said that there's a huge hormone shift as soon as the placenta is delivered which causes the milk to fully change to colostrum.
((hugs)) Vicku. I was hoping for a more positive update.
I hope you can continuing nursing as long as you would like. Don't give up. xox