Congratulations MaryAnn!
Everyone, I have a question (and I'll post on the general BF'ing board too I guess). My ds is 3.5 months old. He sleeps well at night, going down between 7:30 & 8:30, a DF around 10, one NWing most nights, and a wake up time of 7:00. For a week and a half now, though, he has been eating much more often during the day. Two hours at best except, like yesterday, he took a 2 1/2 hr nap in the afternoon (and then woke up really hungry), but sometimes it's even after only an hour and a half! I feed one side and he IS satisfied afterwards, but now goes such a short time in between!
If I'm p/g (which I very well could be, but don't know yet), could this be the reason for his behavior change? Can your supply drop and affect how often they feed? He
was going 3-3.5 hours during the day as of a few weeks ago. I thought it was a GS, but 8 or 9 days- that's too long...right? And btw, he's not snacking, he's taking full feeds and he's aggressively eating at them.
I don't mind feeding him this often, but I wonder what's up. If I'm
not p/g, what could it be? Even during the two GS he has had, he never went this many days.