Author Topic: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2  (Read 191494 times)

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #105 on: November 19, 2011, 12:09:07 pm »
I believe milk turns to colostrum around 16 to 20 weeks then just continues until your milk kicks in after the birth. I fed my DS who's now 23mo 2x a day right through pg and although i got cramps after each feed i didn't go into labour until 5 days overdue. As you say if your body isn't ready those things won't make labour start. I also got nipple soreness. Not sure if it got better in late pg or i just got used to it. It's just where the pg is making your breasts tender so not doing am harm if you want to put up with it. I'm still feeding both boys now but am strict with DS1 that he only gets it morning and at BT so he doesn't both asking other times or if he does he readily accepts the answer will be no. Up to you but i didn't want to be feeding all day. We'd only been doing those feeds since about 15mo anyway i think. Congrats on your pg. Let up know how it goes.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #106 on: November 19, 2011, 12:12:36 pm »
Oh and the book adventures in tandem nursing was recommended to me but i never got around to getting it. Maybe try la leche league's website for more info.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011


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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #107 on: November 19, 2011, 17:25:16 pm »
Have you checked out the Kellymom website? There's an abundance of info on preg & Bf'ing. It will probably answer all of your questions :)

My colostrum didn't fully kick in until after Ds2 was born and the placenta was delivered. My MW said there's a hormonal change that happens once the placenta is delivered which causes this to happen. My milk did change consistencies several times throughout my pregnancy though.

Congratulations for bf'ing so long and continuing to do so throughout your Preg!!! :) You'll have some very healthy little ones!! :D
« Last Edit: November 19, 2011, 17:29:03 pm by tigerlilly905 »


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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #108 on: December 08, 2011, 21:53:06 pm »
Did any of you get p/g before AF returned? If so, what were your symptoms? Did it affect BF'ing?

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #109 on: December 08, 2011, 22:04:49 pm »
No Valerie, I had 3 AFs before falling PG with DS2. I think my supply did dip but Cadan was 11mo when I got pg so it wasnt really an issue since solids were his main source of nutrition by the time it did. He carried on feeding throughout the pg even when there wasnt that much there. 
OMG are you thinking you might be pg?
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011


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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #110 on: December 09, 2011, 01:05:08 am »
Valerie - I had one AF between pregnancies at 3 months PP, then I became preg. the following month. My boys are 13 mths apart. I didn't notice any issues with supply until closer to 20 weeks preg. I continued to nurse & pump as much as possible. I also took some galactagogues that are safe during preg. to help keep my supply up.  It was difficult at certain points, b/c Ds1 went on a nursing strike around 22 weeks preg... but I kept pumping and offering the breast for every feed. After a month long nursing strike Ds1 took to the breast again and he's been on ever since.  I was also fortunate that I was able to connect with local milk donors so I could get extra BM for Ds1. 

Do you think you're preg?? :o :D How exciting!


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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #111 on: December 09, 2011, 03:03:21 am »
Yeah, it's a possibility.  :) :-\ :)  ::) Had some cramping (could be implantation) that matches up with dtd 5 days before. We used spermicide but it's something like 94% effective (making it 6% ineffective!) Ha! My breasts are tender and sore now when ds nurses and he seems less than satisfied. He's fine following a feed but then he's hungry again much sooner than normal. He's fussy too which hasn't been the norm when having a GS. And MOTN feeds are more now.  ???

I haven't had AF so I won't be "late". I am planning to test on Mon or Tues, as that will be 2 weeks.

I will be very HAPPY but also very nervous if I am. To have two LO's so close together scares me, not to mention the p/g itself, AND my desire to B/F my infant! I nursed my other two for 14 months and 16 months and I thoroughly intend to do the same for Samuel!  ;D


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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #112 on: December 09, 2011, 03:33:57 am »
It could also be your cycle starting to come back/hormonal switches.  My milk supply dropped a tich leading up to the few AF's I've had.  Are you taking a calcium supplement/ drinking a lot of milk? I've found calcium to be key in keeping my supply up. I take 2,000 - 3,000 iu/day (throughout the day, not all at once)

If you are pg, sending you an early congrats ;)  and it is possible to continue to bf all the way through. Every ounce of BM little Samuel gets is amazing! I can't say enough wonderful things about having my boys so close in age, not to mention tandem nursing them. If you are ambitious, take a read through the Kellymom link I posted above. It will give you lots of info on being preg & bf'ing. 

I'm sure the wait until monday/tues will feel long, but I'm hoping you can get some results soon! :-*


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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #113 on: December 09, 2011, 13:12:57 pm »
I'm still taking my prenatals but also Calcium, Mag, Zinc separately. I'm not a milk drinker, though-yuck imo!  :-[. I do drink calcium enriched o.j. and eat yogurt, and other things daily.  :)

Yeah, I know it could be a different hormonal change, it's just been suspiciously similar to p/g. I am ready to find out either way! I will be relieved & sad if it's neg. But happy & scared if it's pos. ha ;)


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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #114 on: December 09, 2011, 18:29:04 pm »
I'm not a milk drinker, though-yuck imo

Don't worry, I get it.  We're a dairy free household too ;) 

We're here holding your hand whatever the results! xo :-*

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #115 on: December 15, 2011, 03:16:50 am »
Jumping on board!  I'm not sure how far along I am, but my baby ds2 is 11 months old now and I would guess I am 7-8 weeks along.  I really don't remember the date of my last period . . . sometime in October maybe! Ha! 

I am not planning on tandem nursing.  I just planned on nursing for at least a year.  So I will definitely stick that out, but I do feel a decrease in milk supply. We are down to 3 feeds a day.  I just cut the bedtime feed. Although I am worried he's not getting enough nutrients . . . he takes a little water from a sippy, but do I need to give him formula or something?  I'm not real excited about starting dairy yet.  He gets solids 3x a day (3-4oz jar of food with cereal + any finger foods), and snacks sometimes.

He has a really bad rash on his bottom and diarrhea . . . I was wondering if this could have something to do with starting on prenatal vitamins again as I can't think of any other diet changes.  Hmmm...
♥ MaryAnn ♥


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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #116 on: December 16, 2011, 20:59:06 pm »
Congratulations MaryAnn!  :D

Everyone, I have a question (and I'll post on the general BF'ing board too I guess). My ds is 3.5 months old. He sleeps well at night, going down between 7:30 & 8:30, a DF around 10, one NWing most nights, and a wake up time of 7:00. For a week and a half now, though, he has been eating much more often during the day. Two hours at best except, like yesterday, he took a 2 1/2 hr nap in the afternoon (and then woke up really hungry), but sometimes it's even after only an hour and a half! I feed one side and he IS satisfied afterwards, but now goes such a short time in between!  :-\  If I'm p/g (which I very well could be, but don't know yet), could this be the reason for his behavior change? Can your supply drop and affect how often they feed? He was going 3-3.5 hours during the day as of a few weeks ago. I thought it was a GS, but 8 or 9 days- that's too long...right? And btw, he's not snacking, he's taking full feeds and he's aggressively eating at them.

I don't mind feeding him this often, but I wonder what's up. If I'm not p/g, what could it be? Even during the two GS he has had, he never went this many days. 

Thanks!  :)

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #117 on: December 16, 2011, 21:25:54 pm »
Congrats MaryAnn. My DS1 was 11mo when I got pg with DS2. I didn't really notice a drop in supply for sometime and by then he was on 2 feeds a day and plenty of solids.
After 1yo your LO doesn't need a specific amount of BM or FF for nutrients since they can get it all from a varied diet. They do need the calcium from the equivalent of 600ml (about a pint) of whole cows milk. This can come from other dairy products like yogurts or cheese or dairy replacement products but if you're not giving any dairy you'll need to make sure he gets the calcium from elsewhere. Any reason why you don't want to do dairy?

Sorry val, my LO was a lot older when I got pg so the change in feeding wasn't apparent. IT=t makes sense though that if your supply is dipping it might make him feed more. Can you try to up it with pumping and diet?
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #118 on: December 16, 2011, 21:36:00 pm »
Welcome MaryAnn. 3 Bf at 11mo is plenty. The WHO only say 4 until 10mo is necessary so you should be fine. Does he have intolerance if you are reluctant to give dairy?

AMo3, pg can definitely affect supply. As can hormones in general. I found this tiime around (DS2) my supply dropped just before AF returned at 7mo. I do hear the 3 and 4mo GS are big though. We had a good 1week long one at 4mo.

3-4mo was also the time when we had to start doing 2 sides even though he seemed satisfied enough after 1 he wouldn't go long on it.

Also are you drinking enough? PG makes you need more.

Posted same time as Ali.

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Re: Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Tandem feeding Support Thread part 2
« Reply #119 on: December 22, 2011, 04:35:38 am »
Hey guys does too much of breast feeding affects the mother and the child? Thanks in advance