So some progress has been made... I think?!
Saturday he woke at 5:45 and slept 2 h in his first nap (hasn't done that in a long time!) and so his second nap didn't start until 12:45pm. Woke at 2pm and we dared to keep him up until 6:15pm (4h15 A time-crazy!) Went to bed fairly well. Woke fussing a bit after 40 min but only needed some shh/pat. Slept rest of night fine.
Same sort of pattern repeated Sunday except he didn't sleep 2h in first nap, only 1h 10 min. Pushed second A time to 3 h 30 min to help move day ahead but resulted in very fitful nap where we had to httj for 40 min!!! But still put him down at 6:15pm ... but it took until 7 pm for him to fall asleep! (he was cooing in his crib even though he'd been up for almost 5 h!) He was fine all night.
But he woke at 5:30 am this morning (meaning he only had 10.5 h of sleep last night!!!) I figured he'd make up for lost sleep in his naps but NO, both naps were only 1h 10 min! So I gave him a catnap at 4 today and he just woke up after 30 min. Woke up fussy as is typical after his catnap.
So I'm not sure how to interpret these results. We continue to work on extending his first A time. It's still only 2 h long and he still gets very fussy towards the end of it. Any insight? Something I am missing? Are there any other 8 month olds taking three naps?