Author Topic: 7mos feeding 1-2 times a night and activity time  (Read 949 times)

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Offline bensmuma

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7mos feeding 1-2 times a night and activity time
« on: December 29, 2010, 16:51:20 pm »
Hello again BW friends! My dd is 7mos (almost 6mos corrected) and is waking mostly 2x/night to feed. I think there are several things at play here but can't figure it out and need your advice! Here's a typical day now, keep in mind we just started solids this month so only doing 2x a day right now.

730 Nurse
830 Solids
930 Nap (1-2hrs)

1130 Nurse
1230 Solids
1345 Nap (1-2 hrs)

1530 Nurse
1615 Catnap
1900 Nurse, Bed

NW @ 2300 and 0230 Feeds pretty well both times. Times are pretty consistant so I'm thinking learned hunger, but also I think she takes more from a bottle than me because she always sleeps longer after dh gives her a bottle. ie last night I was sick so dh gave her a bottle when she woke at 1130 and she slept until 7. My supply waivers up and down a lot especially when AF comes. I think she's hungry but how do I get here to take more milk during the day without switching to EBM and straight pumping? I will soon start solids in the evening but don't want to take away from her milk intake which I'm afraid of. She is definitely behind a little on A times as you can see. We're working at 2.5hrs, but right now she's napping well during the day so I almost hesitate! But if you think this will help with the NW I'm all for it. Oh and I should add I'm a wicked AP'er when she wakes ;) Most times I don't even try to re settle I just feed because it's been easier with my other lo waking at night recently too! All advice appreciated!! Thank you!

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Re: 7mos feeding 1-2 times a night and activity time
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2010, 03:31:05 am »
TBH, 2 night feeds at 6mo corrected isn't horrible.  We were doing a dream feed plus one night feed until 9mo-ish, when we dropped the dream feed.  I wouldn't try to actively drop a feed at this point, especially if your supply varies and she's consistently taking good feeds...

You can try adding milk to her solids to get more calories into her during the day - mix cereals with ebm/formula, add it to purees, cook with it, however you can think of.  If you're worried about habitual waking, could you try doing a dream feed around 2200 or 2230, almost like a W2S but with a feed?  For that matter, could you try W2S and see if that makes a difference?

Here's a link from with gentle ways to minimize night nursing:

hth :)
D ~ dairy, egg, peanut/nut and mustard allergies
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