Author Topic: Trouble with solids... again!  (Read 1492 times)

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Trouble with solids... again!
« on: December 29, 2010, 21:19:45 pm »
Hi I have posted before about our issues with introducing solids and we are still having some problems. Mainly my problem is that in order to get my LO to take solids I give them alongside her milk, some milk, then solids, then rest of milk. We tried all different times and this worked best to get her to take them. Now though, I have read in Tracy's book about dropping the DF at about 7 months and was hoping to do this soon. At the moment though my DD is still not taking good amounts of solids (although she has a good variety) but she is also cutting back on her milk. I struggle to get 5oz into her along with her solids, but she takes 7oz at DF and cries for more! So I can't see how I am ever going to get her to take more milk in the day to replace the DF milk. Any ideas on what I could try?

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Re: Trouble with solids... again!
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2010, 00:13:07 am »
How old is your LO now?  How much milk would you say she is getting overall?  And what does your routine look like?  Just trying to get some ideas.  I wouldn't be worried about the amount of solids she is eating, more that she is getting all her milk.  Maybe we can have a look at your routine and see what is going on.  Also, what sorts of solids are you offering?  i.e. purees or finger foods
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Re: Trouble with solids... again!
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2010, 15:45:52 pm »
Hi thanks for replying. My DD is 7 months old tomorrow, she takes about 28oz of milk a day now but it used to be more like 36oz. She has mostly purees but some finger foods too, she chews really well, even with no teeth! We have just dropped the catnap and been getting great advice over on EASY boards about our routine. Yesterday went...

Wake 6.35
E- 7.30 (5oz + 1 tbsp banana and cereal)
A- 2h 55
S-9.30-11.15 (1h 45)
E-11.30 (5oz + 1 tbsp brocolli and cheese, toast as finger food)
A- 2h 55
S- 2.10-3.20 (1h 10)
E-3.30 (6oz)
A- 3h 30 (bath + massage at 5.30) 
E-6.15 (5oz + 1 tbsp sweet potato and butternut squash)
NS-6.50pm - 6.50am (12h)
DF- 10.50 (7oz)

So as you can see dropping the dream feed is looking tricky as I don't think I can get her to take anymore milk in the day. I tried spacing out the lunch solids and milk today and she took 6oz at 11.45am and then refused her solids at 1.00pm, she wouldn't even open her mouth! Any help or ideas would be great thanks.

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Re: Trouble with solids... again!
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2010, 16:02:00 pm »
Ok, here are some thoughts.

Go ahead and drop the dreamfeed anyway if you feel she is ready.  You can do it gradually if you like.  She might not make it up right away, but I would think she will start to add it to the daytime feeds soon enough once she realizes she isn't getting it at night.  Here is more info on dropping the DF:

Normal milk intake around this age would be between 24-30oz.  36oz is way too much anyway.  Without the DF she's getting 21, which is almost enough but still a bit short.  If she doesn't add a few more oz on in her bottles, think about offering yogurt, cheese, or milk in her cereals instead (if she can tolerate dairy).  You can also get creative in other ways making sure she gets that extra few oz of nutrition that milk provides by sneaking it into her diet.  Avocados are good for fats, dark leafy greens and broccoli are good for calcium.  A varied diet will fill in the extras that are missing if she's a teeny bit short on milk for a bit.

Don't stress if she doesn't want the solids, it's still really not about the amount of solids she eats at this point.  Keep the milk feeds going and let her decide if and when she wants solids.  But do offer it.  Will she eat more if you offer finger foods instead of being spoon-fed?  Maybe she feels pressured to eat but if you just let her eat at her own pace she will figure it out.

I don't really see any problem giving milk and solids at the same time like you are doing if she is still drinking all her milk and it's working ok.  Maybe you can try introducing milk in a sippy at meals as well and see how she does with that.

I can tell you this.  We have been doing BLW with DS2 because he was just not interested in being spoon-fed.  In fact, he hardly showed any interest in eating at all.  But it really didn't bother me, I just offered when I could and he just scoffed at it.  But at around 7mos he started to take an interest.  He is 8mos now and he's starting to get the hang of it.  Still not a big eater, but I can really see that I just needed to back off and let him decide when he was ready to eat.  Some days he eats next to no solids, but I know that as long as he is getting all his milk then he's ok.  BLW has really been the way to go with him, and I'm happy to not stress about getting a spoon into his mouth!  ;)

There is more useful info and some links here if you like:

HTH  :)
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Re: Trouble with solids... again!
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2010, 19:09:08 pm »
That is great Martina thanks. Will take a look at those links. Funnily enough I have just recently introduced dairy and she has some most days and also extra milk in her cereal etc so she is getting more than I actually thought. I am not sure if she is ready to drop the DF just yet, but I was just thinking about it and getting prepared iykwim, as Tracy suggests doing it at around 7 months. Might try reducing by an oz for a few days and see what happens. Thanks again.

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Re: Trouble with solids... again!
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2010, 01:53:03 am »
I'm no help with the DF as we never did one, but the link I posted outlines how to gradually drop it I think.  And you can ask on the bottle feeding board as well.  I think overall it sounds like she is doing just fine.  I know solids and eating in generally can seem overwhelming, and we always want our LOs to be getting the proper nutrition.  I remember feeling really stressed about it with my DS1, always wondering if he was getting enough milk and solids.  He was so tiny and I was always so worried, but there really wasn't anything to worry about.  I'm a lot more relaxed this time around with my DS2, I swear he eats less but is bigger than DS1 so they are who they are and eat how they eat.  As long as you are offering healthy food, you're doing the right things!  :)
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