Hi ladies! I warn you this post will be kinda long.
I don't call it a "back on track" issue because we've never been on track, that's why I'm posting on the EASY board.
My DD is 3.5mo now and we'll be back from holidays tomorrow, resuming "normal life" on the January 3rd. I want to start EASY with her.
When she was born I tried to put her on a 2.5h or 3h routine but I couldn't because she was a very very very VERY sleepy baby, so she wouldn't ever take full feeds, she had slow weight gain, I ended up having problems with my milk supply because she didn't feed well the first 6 weeks or so. I was basically demand feeding, but around 8 weeks she started sleeping from 11pm-7am. It lasted 2 weeks until she got a cold and would wake up EVERY HOUR at night because of her coughs and she wouldn't put herself back to sleep on her own. She still doesn't feel hungry at night (the times I thought she was, she fed for 2 min -or 20ml on the bottle- and went right back to sleep) but she keeps waking up at 3h and 5h. I couldn't do PU/PD with her because she was too young... Well, she never slept for more than 4 hours after that...
Daytime sleep was also messed up. Now I know she can go 3hours between feeds because I've worked on my milk supply and now during the trip she would wait sometimes even more than that. But she her naps always break at 45min. When we were in the car driving up and down I could see when her eyes popped open at 45min mark and, because of the rocking of the car, she'd go back to sleep. I tried sometimes at home to shh/pat her to extend her naps, but some of the times I had success I had to shh/pat her until she got into a deep sleep (she moves quite a lot during her light sleep!!).
At home I tried to get rid of all props to teach her sleep, but during the trip it wasn't possible, specially because we spent a lot of time in the car... And the other down point is that DH is the king of AP >___< He came with some ideas like "is there any machine that can shake the travel cot to keep her asleep?", "she will sleep when she wants to! (she was already OT and OS)" or "why don't u give her milk to settle her?!". Of course I did a lot of APOP during the trip, like rocking her to sleep, otherwise she'd be 3hs awake nonstop! But he'd keep doing this at home if I hadn't taken the time to explain that I was trying to train her to sleep independently so we wouldn't have to go to her room 2 or 3 times at night just to put her back to sleep!
I know I have to tackle one problem at a time, but I don't really know where to start.
I thought about trying to get the daytime routine right becuse I know they influence nighttime sleep/night wakings...
Any comments, ideas, suggestions will be appreciated!
TIA, and Happy 2011!!