I'm curious to see where you read that they shouldn't have a 13 hour day.
This is not even close to true for every child.
It kind of bugs me that the twelve hour rule is sooooo strongly pushed on this site. I feel like maybe 25% of babies do a 12 hour night, but everybody is chasing this dream of 12 hour nights.
MOST of Tracy's sample routines are 12.5 days. Not 12!!!
In BWSAYP she says that if your LO is sleeping 11 hours, then that's probably all you can hope for so to be happy with that.
I would be willing to bet that Olly is NOT a 12 hour night sleeper once all the NWings go away.
That is one of the MAIN reasons I suggest that you wake him at 7. That gives you one more hour of A time during the day.
After seeing hundreds of routines on this site I would say that "normal" is 10.5-12 hour nights. If you are in that range than things are probably ok.
I think that taking him to your bed was not a good idea
I really really don't. I know it's hard. I've been there. I'm there right now to be honest. Lyle was up at 4:25 this morning and Emory was up at 4:58. If he won't settle back in his own bed, then he's up for the day
You have sooooo much going on, and I understand that. But, 2 months from now you still won't know if the EW is routine oriented or AP oriented if you keep bringing him into your bed
Sorry if I'm sounding like a B!tch. I really don't mean to. I'm just trying to be helpful and give you a realistic goal of night sleep and a good pattern of helping Ollie to sleep. I wouldn't be worried at all about having to hold his hand right now. That's ok, and that will be actually pretty easy to break. The taking him into your bed...... that won't be so easy.
We have also dropped to one feed and we are dealing with some EW because of that as well..... but if you are constant with it, I think the EW will go away on it's own.
Good job on the W2S. I'm so glad it worked for you.