Author Topic: No fun at breakfast time.....  (Read 1348 times)

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Offline mickeyfreak

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No fun at breakfast time.....
« on: January 03, 2011, 18:30:40 pm »
My 18 mo is throwing a fit with breakfast. We've always done EASY with him since...well ever! Since starting food way back when, he liked his breakfast pretty much as soon as possible. So I found some quick fixes to satisfy him and me. The past 10 days or so, it's been an all out war at breakfast time. I'd put him in the chair, he screamed more. Thinking he wanted to eat like the rest of the family at the table, I set him over there, more screaming, fun.
My DH suggested maybe just sitting with him for a while, little bit of a wake up time or 'coffee' so to speak. So I tried that, only to have him MORE hungry and a longer war. Once he gets a couple of bites in his system he seems to be alright. Almost like I'm trying to force feed him some kind of toxic waste and then when it finally hits him that it is food, he calms down and eats very peaceably. So I hate to say that in order to find some peace I've force fed him a couple of bites (I know very disrespectful), yet seemed to achieve the satisfaction of his stomach and the time of his screaming. My DH came down after the start of the war yesterday and finished feeding him with no problems. It's almost like I smell funny all of a sudden or something.
The last couple of days I've tried just letting him be and see what he wanted. But to no avail, he just walked around the house screaming. He does like to feed himself I know this. Yet I'm at my wits end on what is up.
I posted this at the end of someone else's topic, yet thought I would try a new thread do with it as you will!

Offline Canwi

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Re: No fun at breakfast time.....
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2011, 20:47:49 pm »
Can you give him a drink or something easy to take the edge off things?
8) I BFd a combined total of 4y, 1m & 1d

Offline LeeLeeMelis

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Re: No fun at breakfast time.....
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2011, 00:47:09 am »
Diddo what Canwi said. Wesley always has milk first thing and then his breakfast. When I realized the amount of milk was messing with how much he ate I just cut back on the milk. Some days  I simply cant get food prepared fast enough so the milk gives me a little leeway.

If that doesnt work it's just a phase. For a while Wesley would only eat in a "hit and run fashion" He couldnt stop playing and would just come up and get a bite every so often. I hated it but it didnt last forever.