Hi there!
I have a 20 month old Touchy.
Typical Good Day is:
7:30am-wakes up
6 hour A time
1:30pm nap-for about 1hr 15 min (but can be 1 hr or up to 2 hrs-this is just the average)
6:30pm-bathtime / bed time routine
7:30-asleep in crib
OK-so here's where it went wrong...18 month sleep regression happened right on cue.
I read on another site that they went back to adding in feedings and the child just stopped needing them on their own once they were over their separation anxieties that caused the sleep regression, in about 1 or 2 months.
So when I had Night Wakings I'd go in and feed, and sure enough, after a few weeks she just slept through the night again and didn't ask for them anymore. Great.
But at the same time she was refusing naps totally. I'd go a few days without a nap and crying no matter how I did WI/WO. So I started going back to nursing to sleep for her nap and when I did she'd give me the same 1 hour nap.
Now it's been 2 months and she's sleeping great at night but I just can't kick the nursing to sleep for her nap!
But I was so worried that after a few days with no nap she's be overly tired and then there would be a whole new mess of problems to fix!
So now I have had a couple days with nap refusal EVEN IF I nurse to sleep. So I'm thinking she is really not needing that anymore and I need to cut it out.
How do I do it?
Cut down the time she nurses gradually or cold turkey it?
I can tell you that she was a great independent sleeper before so I would think WI/WO would work....BUT....being that she is a Touchy, we had to do a gradual wean from nursing to sleep for her naps in the first place, so I'm sorta torn on what is best.
I nursed for 10 min then cut her off even though she still wanted, and put her in her crib crying heavily. I did WI/WO and after about 15 min she went to sleep. I did this yesterday, too, and she didn't sleep at all and after an hour I just gave up and got her.
So it's sort of a mix with gradual wean from nursing but still needing to do WI/WO afterwards (and no guarantee that it will work).
We're only nursing up to 3 times a day if she wants them, (wakes up, before(used to be after) her nap, and before bed). Oh-and before bed is 50/50 with her being awake and going into her crib peacefully until she talks herself to sleep, or just going in asleep. She doesn't cry usually for this one even if she goes down wide awake. She even says "Bye" when I leave the room, if you can believe it!
So again, why are naps such a big deal for her if she can do it already?
OK-I have typed enough....any thoughts on this are greatly appreciated!