Author Topic: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2  (Read 78394 times)

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #105 on: April 20, 2011, 21:01:37 pm »
Karen- I hope the iron sup helps xxx
Shame about sweet pot letters, I'm huge fan of sweet potato (my mum being Peruvian) she fed us lots of it growing up.
I was thinking she used to make us fried thinly sliced sweet potato- it's really yummy - I haven't had it in years. I'm going home next W/E so I'll ask her to make it for DS - and me!

Re yogurt... Well B also loves the pouches - the ones with Cars printed on the packet. I found the same brand and flavour but in tubs so he eats the tubs at home and pouches when we're out.

Oh we had a horrible mix up yesterday. I ordered a regular steak pie (meat pie) from my baker and when we got home I served it out and gave some to B, well... 3 mouthfuls later he was screaming, gagging and scratching his tongue. They gave us a chilli pie!!!
Poor B, after 5 mins of this he calmed with water cheese and crackers.
I'm so upset because he finally started to really eat... He ref dinner last night.
I haven't read the link yet Karen but low iron = low appetite would make sense to me! Last week B has been eating really well it's like the more he ate the more he wanted and actually enjoyed!
Whe he stops eating that's it, he just eats crakers... Hmmm

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #106 on: April 25, 2011, 21:43:01 pm »
Hi ladies!  I'm officially making it known that DS is a picky eater.  Wow, that felt a little like AA :P

DH and I are so frustrated: he's more picky now than he was a few months ago...and never as open to new things as he was when he was an infant.  If it's a sandwich (grilled cheese, pb&j), kolache, pasta, chicken nuggets/french fries, fruit, or any kind of pastry, he will eat it.  And now that he's so verbal, if he doesn't want something he will proudly declare, "Nope!"  ::)  And as for trying new things, no way.

I. just. want. to. bang. my. head. against. the. wall.  Sure you all understand.

I'm going to have a look back through this thread for some more ideas.  Might try sweet potato fries since he likes the idea of french fries so much (yet won't eat a baked potato).

*hugs* to you all!
*formerly tersaseda*


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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #107 on: April 25, 2011, 21:56:57 pm »
Welcome Sara! Hey - at least your guy eats PB and fruit I guess. It is SO hard. I had hopes when DS was like 10-13 months of him being my good eater. NOT. AT. ALL.

Ack on the chili pie Alice!

So if it weren't for challah french toast and fruit/veg pouches lately DS would be totally starving. He's getting his second canine (top left) and all he's had today is dry cereal (Kashi) and half a banana for breakfast, oatmeal made with rice milk for lunch, freeze dried strawberries for snack and a small piece of challah french toast and most of a pouch of spinach/peas/pears for dinner (after refusing hamburger, letter fries and yogurt). And for him that's a good day! He doesn't even do yogurt anymore!

Still waiting for intolerance results (hopefully tomorrow or Thursday). Started iron supplement this past Friday.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #108 on: April 26, 2011, 06:28:07 am »
Ty is now refusing all veg and will just eat fruit, should i be worried about this i wonder ? He used to love sweetcorn and peas but now gone off them.  He's abit hit and miss at the moment and will generally have very little for brekkie and lunch and then maybe abit more for dinner.  Its sooooo frustrating though and he's started waking at night, yet I cant get anymore food into him.  I dont know whether to give an extra bottle in the day (he has 4oz in the morning and 8oz before bed) until his apetite improves but am reluctant to do this as it might upset the little he already eats !!



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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #109 on: April 26, 2011, 14:55:41 pm »
at least your guy eats PB and fruit I guess
Yes, at least there's that.  We just reintroduced pb since he used to get rashes on his bottom from it when he was younger.  It's not much protein, but it's something!

Have you guys tried Apple & Eve's Fruitables?  It's a juice made with vegetables/fruit and it doesn't have any HFCS in it.  Aaron gets one every other day, apple juice the rest of the days at breakfast only (I still water it down).  Won't do milk at all! you think he might be teething?
*formerly tersaseda*


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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #110 on: April 26, 2011, 17:38:13 pm »
I give those juice boxes to DD - even though she DOES eat her veggies! But I can't give them to DS - I think they have butternut squash in them (causes BAD hives and tummy cramps) and fruit juice concentrates give him tummy cramps. But I do make his "juice" with apple juice, water, fresh fruits and either spinach or avocado added.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #111 on: April 26, 2011, 18:58:12 pm »

Not sure about the teething, I think his canines are on the way down but dont know for definite.  He's never been a good eater, tonight for example all he had for tea was one and a half fish fingers and dry cheerios for tea.  Refused potato wedges and vegetables.


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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #112 on: April 26, 2011, 19:07:10 pm »
Once again plugging the breakfast cookies I make. I fudged around with the recipe some more today and like them more - a little sweeter and better texture but still super healthy with lots of protein, Vit C, calcium and iron as well as some B vitamins and manganese. Matthew just had most of one for a snack!

2 cups Total cereal, crushed
1/4 cup wheat germ
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
3/4 cup ricotta cheese (I use full-fat)
6 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsp maple syrup
1/4 cup canola oil (or grapeseed oil)
2 large eggs
1 tbsp vanilla extract
sugar (white and/or cinnamon sugar)

In large bowl mix the first 7 ingredients. In separate bowl mix together everything else except the white sugar/cinnamon sugar. Add wet ingredients to dry and mix till combined/wet but don't overmix. Drop by heavy tablespoonful onto greased baking tin (I use Pam baking spray). Flatten with back of fork, then sprinkle with white sugar and/or cinnamon sugar (I use a bit of each) and bake at 400 for 18-20 minutes, checking after 15-16 minutes.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #113 on: April 26, 2011, 19:15:32 pm »
karen - about how many cookies does that make? I would like to try it, but don't want to make a ton, esp if Jake won't eat them. he doesn't like most cookies... I know... weird.
Jacob, my little monkey - 03/19/2008
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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #114 on: April 26, 2011, 20:04:43 pm »
That makes 18 cookies. But it's easily halved to make just 9!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #115 on: April 26, 2011, 20:12:19 pm »
I'd easily eat any of the cookies Aaron doesn't want.  I know, so self-sacrificing :P ;)

I'm going to give those a try, Karen (you always have such yummy recipes)!
*formerly tersaseda*


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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #116 on: April 27, 2011, 05:47:01 am »
hi, Hope I can join you mummies. My DS is 3 yo and extremely fussy. He has been fussy since 1 yo even though I did baby led weaning with him.

His diet is as follows :

Breakfast- dry cornflakes or rice krispies or oatmeal

Lunch and dinner- rice porridge ( I am Chinese and we cook it the Asian style- rice simmered in chicken or pork stock, with vegetables and recently some fish in it. The rice and vegetables become quite soft and mushy). This has been his staple for the last 2 years. I still have to feed him this main meal as he refuses to eat by himself. However he can eat a fairly large bowl of this most meals. Other than this sometimes its plain noodles in soup or homemade cream style soup (cream of chicken, cream of pumpkin, cream of brocolli). He can eat 2-3 bowls of the soup.

Fruits that he takes-  only red grapes and since 2 days ago rockmelon.

Snacks- Goghurt brand of yoghurt in tubes, grated natural shredded cheese, peanuts, sunflower seeds, certain brands of biscuits.

Other things he takes are (junk food)- french fries, crisps, ice cream and chocolates

He has refused to try any other food than the above. If there is any other food in his high chair tray he will cry immediately. His phobia is bread- he can gag even if he sees bread and if anyone eats bread near him, he will cry.

He drinks quite a fair amount of milk too - about 20-25oz a day half of it at bedtime. He loves milk! He is of a good size about 35 lbs.

His diet is quite healthy and complete food groups and he is growing well. Should I be worried and stressed out that the variety of food is so small?

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #117 on: April 27, 2011, 11:05:54 am »
I wouldn't stress since he is getting some protein with the rice porridge and some fruit and veggies too. But I might try to cut back on the milk - they really don't need more than 16 ounces day/total at this age (and that includes yogurt too) - more than that could affect his appetite and make him less likely to try other foods. Great that he's a good size - my DS is a skinny-minny!

Sara - hope you/Aaron like the cookies. DD and DS like them pretty well - DD is bringing one to school for snack today in fact!

Good day here yesterday. Maybe the iron supplement is helping? Breakfast was a few bites of multigrain waffle and few bits of Kashi cereal at home, then some blueberry bagel and a fruit/veg pouch in shopping car at grocery store; lunch was half a grilled cheese sandwich and a lot of a fruit juice smoothie I made with apple juice, water, strawberries, banana and avocado; snack was most of one of those cookies and some freeze-dried strawberries and more smoothie and dinner was a nice helping of penne with crushed meatball on top/inside the pasta!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #118 on: April 27, 2011, 11:23:36 am »
Hi Ladies,
Can I join along? DS will be 13 months in a few days, so I am not sure if it is too early to qualify him as a picky eater, but I see the writing on the wall. :)  There are a few things he likes to eat, but my biggest problem is that he will not try anything.  I always offer many different options, but he always sticks to what he already likes - things like scrambled egg, cheese, chicken nuggets, yogurt, fruit puree, and mac n cheese puree. A few other things are hit or miss.  Often times he will not even try to put something new in his mouth and when he does, he will spit out immediately.  I keep trying. 

He won't even eat cookies -- imagine that!

Thanks for letting me follow along.
(formerly samsmommy3312010)

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 2
« Reply #119 on: April 27, 2011, 12:39:25 pm »
welcome joho and samsmommy!
one of the things I have been doing is giving jake 'baby rice", infant cereal. I am giving it to O, as he is a baby and jake wanted to try. I figure it is filled with vitamins and iron, so why not. He usually has a small bowl at lunch time...sometimes that is all he eats. I often wonder when O will surpass J in weight. O is 7.5months and 20lbs and J is 3 and 25lbs.
Jacob, my little monkey - 03/19/2008
Owen, my gerber baby -  09/03/2010