Thanks, Karen...will have to try them this weekend when I can go to the grocery store.
Well, we had an interesting dinner last night. It was pizza, for crying out loud, and that's all Aaron DID at dinnertime. He ate only 3-5 bites, drank some water, and that was that. Ugh...I'm hoping it's molars or some kind of illness that's making him feel a bit off; otherwise, I'm just stumped! He wouldn't eat pizza

I don't know anymore...
samsmommy3312010--Welcome! The fact that DS is only 13 mo is a great asset, believe me! Keep introducing those foods, even if it feels wasteful that he doesn't eat them. Even if all he will do is put it in his mouth and spit it out, who knows? He might eventually like it

Time is on your side. I wish I had tried harder, myself. If nothing, you can rest assured that you've tried, given his tastebuds time to get used to new flavors. He might surprise you here and there, as I've seen firsthand how tastes can change literally overnight. DS did this with cold cheese. Wouldn't touch the stuff until he was about 19 mo, now he loves it! *hugs* It is so hard!
Wow...Aaron sounds huge

He's 27/28 lbs at 23 mo. He looks skinny, though, and has lost all baby fat. My MIL thinks he's TOO skinny