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Ready for WI/WO?
« on: January 04, 2011, 16:25:53 pm »
Hello everybody.

My LO is almost 13 months. I started sleep training when he was very young, after reading Tracy's books that literally saved my mind in the first weeks of motherhood. From 6 months to about 11 months he used to fall asleep quite easily and to sleep quite well. He  has been always on the low-side of the sleep needing. From 8 months he started to fall asleep independently, I just read him a book, gave him a bottle and put him in his crib, stay with him few moments and went away.
Two months ago he started to refuse sleeping, and wanted my husband and me stay with him until he was asleep or almost asleep. He started to stand up in his crib and when I put him back down he came up again and again. We spent hours like this. I think that this was related to the 2-1 nap transitions. Now, on one nap of 1.5-2.5 hours (except when we are in the car in the late morning, which makes him asleep in the morning so we have a shorter and later nap in the afternoon, or he refuses sleep in the afternoon), it is better: if we stay in his room until he's asleep, he stays down in the crib. Otherwise, if we go away before he's asleep, he stands up and cries desperately. What we do now is to stay in his room until he's mostly asleep and then go out of the room, hoping he does not wake up. If he's not very tired, we have to wait for 1/2-1 hour until he's calm. For example, yesterday evening my husband waited 10 min, then went away, he started crying and did not want to resettle, then I went in his room and, after putting him down four times, he stayed down and slept after additional 10 min. It is not always the same, some days he goes directly to dreamland, other days we spent hours putting him down and trying to let him sleep. I suppose that there is a combination of teething (when he's teething is much worst) and SA. I was thinking about trying WI/WO to teach him to fall asleep independently again. I would like to wait one or two weeks, as we have just come back from a holiday, when LO stayed with us 24/7, and now we started working again. Moreover, the next week he'll start again nursery and I would like he's adapted to it before starting WI/WO. My worry is that this could make things worst: when I went out from his room the other times he cried desperately, and it seemed to me that after I went out and come back he was really scared and needed more time to resettle. But I never tried to do it for more than 10 minutes, so I don't know how it is if I'm consistent.

I have to add that now it seems he's not attracted by his play things, he just looks at them for few mins and then goes away. In addition,it seems he does not like playing in his crib. When I put him there to play, he stands up and start to jump looking to me as to say "let me out of here". And when I try to go in another room he cries (even if the cry lasts for some moments, then he starts playing if he sees I'm not back). He used to like playing in his crib before the sleep refusing started.

Another thing is that he's just started walking (it's about one week now).

Thank you for your answer.


Offline deckchariot

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Re: Ready for WI/WO?
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2011, 17:40:18 pm »
it's been 2 mos now that he's not really been sleeping independently?  If that's the case, you might have more success doing gradual withdrawal rather than wi/wo (which may be too upsetting for him).  Here's a link to help you decide which approach is best for you:


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Re: Ready for WI/WO?
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2011, 20:28:35 pm »
Thank you for your answer.
I'm not sure he's not sleeping independently. I believe that he's able to fall asleep alone, IF he WANTS to. He's a very determined child, when he decides to have a thing or to do something he will try to obtain no matter what he has to do. For example, yesterday evening, after standing up and crying when dad went out of the room, I went in his room and did PD. After four PD, he put his lovely on his face and felt asleep without any other look to me. It seems like he "decides" that he wants to sleep and he does. This evening he felt asleep after 10 minutes, he stood up for a while then dad did PD and he went to sleep. I'm really confused, I don't know what to do...

Offline deckchariot

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Re: Ready for WI/WO?
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2011, 00:40:49 am »
the most important thing is for you and dad to come up with a plan and then stick to it....whether it's wi/wo or pd or gradual withdrawal.  At this age, they are smart enough to figure out the inconsistency - if you do one thing one night and something different another night, he'll just keep on trying to get what he wants. 

We've always had great success with wi/wo - as long as we stuck to it.  There were times when I'd give in because she was crying so much and I was tired of coming in and out of the room constantly.....and every single time, the next night was worse.  So have a look at that link I posted and talk with dh and see what you guys think will work best for you.

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Re: Ready for WI/WO?
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2011, 17:53:25 pm »
I'we talked with hubby, and we decided to try a combined plan: GW for a while, moving further from the bed and, when we are quite far, that is lo can't see us and falls asleep anyway, go out of the room. If then he starts crying, we'll do wi/wo.
 Just a question: if doing GW he stands up or sits up (as often does before to fall asleep) shoul we put him down (so, if we have moved further go back to him and do PD) or should we wait he lays down alone (not sure he would do especially if he sees me or dh).

Offline deckchariot

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Re: Ready for WI/WO?
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2011, 20:02:03 pm »
I'd start with doing pd if he sits/stands up - but incorporate that into your sleepy time phrase (that you'll continue to use with wi/wo).  So something like "lay down, it's time for night night" as you lay him down.  Then go back to the spot you were in when he sat up (so immediately move away).  If/when he does it again, say the exact same phrase, as you lay him down, return to your spot.  Eventually, he will associate the phrase with the action and he will lay down without your intervention.  The key is to be super, super consistent.  If you and dh do it the same way every time, he will understand you mean business.

Good luck!!!  You can do this!!!

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Re: Ready for WI/WO?
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2011, 21:57:34 pm »
Thank you!!! I'll try to follow your advice. Fingers crossed!

Offline deckchariot

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Re: Ready for WI/WO?
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2011, 02:26:21 am »
consider them crossed :)

Offline barbaraz78

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Re: Ready for WI/WO?
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2011, 16:40:57 pm »
Hi Michelle,
just an update. It's going better.
We followed your advice, doing PD when he sits up, and we are now moving the chair a little further. We are now going out of the room before he's sleepy. It seems he wants to sits up few times (usually 2-6), then we put him down and at a certain moment he decides to sleep, so we can go out. Possibly, he wants try us. These last days the process took about 5 min, so not bad. I enjoy it until it lasts! (after 1 year, I know that it won't... although every time I hope so!)

Offline deckchariot

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Re: Ready for WI/WO?
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2011, 19:12:06 pm »
so glad to hear that it's going well!!!  We found with our dd that once we established our wi/wo pattern, we could easily go right back to it when we needed to - in face, even now, if we say "do you want us to do wi/wo?"  she says "nooooooooooooo  I'll go to sleep" :) :)