Author Topic: I don't know what else to do... my 2 yr old will not eat!!  (Read 1859 times)

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I don't know what else to do... my 2 yr old will not eat!!
« on: January 04, 2011, 20:10:19 pm »
Its been a while since I've been on here, mainly because I've been super busy with our new addition to the family, our 4 week old daughter, and also with my toddler son who is 28 months old.
DS has been a picky eater since he was about 20 months and it isn't getting any better! He doesn't eat and is extremely picky! I've stopped giving him lots of snacks and fluids throughout the day to see if it will help but sometimes he still refuses to eat! When I am desperate and I see that he hasn't eaten anything good all day, I will make him a 'power shake' which is pretty much fruits and veggies and sometimes milk so he gets his nutrients in some form. And he LOVES the shakes but I think thats all he prefers to eat... which is frustrating because he knows that if he refuses the food, I will just give in and make the smoothie/shake for him.. I feel like such a "sucker" when I give in and I realize that something has got to change.. What do I do? Is this a normal stage for his age? He needs to at least try new things but because he is so stubborn he won't! So I feel like its an ongoing battle that I will never win. I get so embarrassed when I see my niece and nephew at dinner time eat a good plate of food and my toddler just sits there and plays with the food, then walks away!... he sees no interest in it!

I am desperate to try anything that will make my toddler at least expand his horizons and try to eat... Please help!!  :(

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Re: I don't know what else to do... my 2 yr old will not eat!!
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2011, 20:24:04 pm »

A general rule is that toddlers won't starve themselves. That isn't to say they won't hold out and put up with some hunger pains to get what they prefer and also learn "poor" eating habits quickly. ie: not eating enough in order to just get on with playing, etc.

So in essence, often you have to be a bit more consistent and establish some basic principles that will hopefully lead him back to eating better. Some ideas are:

1) Let him help with food preparation. He will be more likely to eat what he has played with and assisted with. If he can stir or sprinkle cheese or decorate a pizza or will be more interesting to him.

2) Teach him that if he gets up from the table the food goes away. You can throw it out OR save it for the next meal time. If he is claiming he doesn't like it and you KNOW he does. I'd save it and offer it again. No special foods or alternatives that way and he learns that what you offer is what he gets. But don't force him to sit the whole time. It just becomes a power struggle.

3) Always make sure to offer at least one food item that you are CERTAIN he likes at each meal.

4) You can decide if you want to offer ONE alternative food choice if he doesn't like/want the food being offered at that meal, BUT I may refrain from doing this until he is eating a bit more again as he can use this to hold out as he is doing now for those shakes. Also, don't make it something he LOVES, just something he likes enough and eats pretty consistently. Something like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or crackers and cheese. Something filling enough but not something that is so delicious they will always want that same thing and not the meal offered. I'd probably hold off on incorporating something like this until he realizes that he needs to eat what is offered or just not eat until the next scheduled snack or meal time.

5) Continue to limit snacks, drinks during the day. Distract with games or other activities until the next normal eating time and offer what YOU want to, whether it's what you had offered before or whatever else you had planned on making. Nothing special to try to convince him to eat.

6) Make sure you and other adults in his life are sitting down and eating with him the foods that you would like for him to be eating. Often we take for granted that our kids pick up on subtle things like mommy never sitting to eat or mommy only drinking soda or juice or daddy never eating vegetables. Then they get more ideas about how THEY too can pick and choose, etc. Also, I always allow DD to spit something out if she tries it and doesn't like it. That way she doesn't feel she is being FORCED to eat something she may not like and she feels more in control. Being flexible about new things is a good idea, as well. Although teaching him to spit something out discretely (as in; into his napkin) might not be so easy, so if it grosses you out, then don't allow it LOL

He'll eventually eat when he is hungry and knows that you're not going to just give him what he prefers.

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Re: I don't know what else to do... my 2 yr old will not eat!!
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2011, 21:08:33 pm »
Thank you for the tips!

I will definitely try these. Having him help me make the food is a great idea. I like that, and realize I haven't done that yet. Also, taking the food away when he gets up from the table is a good tip. I feel like I am constantly telling him to go back to the table and eat, but often times, it doesn't work. So I'll take that advice and just take away the food.

I do realize that he does eat if he is starving, so if he refuses to eat a meal, I should just not offer it again until the next mealtime.

And DS also often spits out his food if he doesn't like it, but that just annoys me! Mainly because I know he's tried it before and liked it before! Sometimes I think he is just lazy to chew and eat!

I just hope that he comes around and doesn't grow up to be a terrible eater. :( Neither of us are bad eaters and I'm just hoping this is a phase.
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Re: I don't know what else to do... my 2 yr old will not eat!!
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2011, 21:13:16 pm »
Those are great suggestions! Some things that worked for us included:

1. Making sure the TV was off and all the toys put away before meal time.

2. Leaving out some veggies to snack on before the meal. If she wanted to snack that was fine, but it was going to be on veggies or healthy foods and not Goldfish

3. I always figured one day of being hungry would just make them eat more the next day. If she refused to eat a meal that was fine, but she was not going to get any more food until the next meal time. That made any food presented look really good :-)

4. Making the food fun. Use food coloring to put faces on the sandwhiches, fun food like ants on a log or apple sandwhiches with peanut butter in the middle. Meatballs iwth faces made of olives and hair of spaghetti. Make rainbows of fruit or veggies and see who can eat the most colors. Novelty always worked for us.

5. Competition always worked for my DD1 too. Who can eat their veggie the fastests, or who can fit the most peas on a spoon, etc. (Maybe not a great plan, but she was at least eating :-) )

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Re: I don't know what else to do... my 2 yr old will not eat!!
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2011, 21:23:54 pm »
Great suggestions too! I'll need to try these as well. I need to start making a lot of changes ASAP.

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Re: I don't know what else to do... my 2 yr old will not eat!!
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2011, 23:02:22 pm »
Good luck!!!!!!!

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Re: I don't know what else to do... my 2 yr old will not eat!!
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2011, 16:25:51 pm »
Thanks everyone again for the support. I've already noticed a change in DS's eating habits.. He now eats his meals! I actually cut snacks completely  and waited for him to have an appetite before feeding him breakfast lunch and dinner. And now he eats! I guess he was getting full off of snacks. So now I am slowly offering healthy snack options (but very small portions) so he still has an appetite. So we are taking baby steps but its working. Now if I can get him to eat when we have guests... he gets SO easily distracted and never finishes because he wants to get up and play.  :-\
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Re: I don't know what else to do... my 2 yr old will not eat!!
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2011, 17:56:50 pm »
Yay! You've done a great job :-)

When we have guests I often feed my LO early, usually before guests arrive, then send them off to play. Especially if there are other LOs to play with. Or you can give him more healthy snacks on those days and not worry so much about dinner time.

Great job :-)
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Re: I don't know what else to do... my 2 yr old will not eat!!
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2011, 00:58:18 am »
Thanks!! That sounds like a plan. I'll take your advice the next time we have guests or playdates. :)
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Re: I don't know what else to do... my 2 yr old will not eat!!
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2011, 20:33:57 pm »
This is a great thread, lots of helpful advice.

One question I have is: how do you say no to snacks when your toddler doesn't really have a good grasp of language yet?  My DD is 17 months and I've noticed that when I successfully limit snacks she eats better at meals.  Her snack food of choice is bread (whole grain rye, but still not nutritious enough to be her main food-source).  When she asks for bread, what's the best way to handle it?  I don't think she understands me when I say "You have to wait until lunch (or dinner, whatever)". Also, I don't think she understands when I tell her that if she doesn't eat at meals, then she won't get anything until the next meal.

How have others handled this situation with toddlers who don't have a good grasp of language yet?

I'm thinking when she asks for bread, I'll offer a veggie or other more nutritious option. That way, if she's hungry, she'll have something to eat; otherwise, she can wait til next meal.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 20:36:16 pm by Keira »

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Re: I don't know what else to do... my 2 yr old will not eat!!
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2011, 20:45:25 pm »
At that age, (17 months) I'd want to be 100% certian that she wasn't hungry before I said no.   :-\   If I felt sure she was asking out of boredom or just because she really likes bread  ;)  I would say the same thing every time "In a little while...." and then lead her away to an activity. I would not use the word "no"....just because you don't want a power struggle...but if you hold up one finger and say "In just a little while..."  I do think she would understand that.

Also, if I may....if you aren't crazy about her choice of might want to consider introducing another type. I found an organic wheat bread with 3 grams fiber per slice, 6 grams of protein, and just 3 grams of sugar. Pretty good for that piece of toast is actually a good thing!

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Re: I don't know what else to do... my 2 yr old will not eat!!
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2011, 20:57:36 pm »
Thanks! Those are great suggestions I will be incorporating both of your ideas.  Where do you get your bread, what brand is it?

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Re: I don't know what else to do... my 2 yr old will not eat!!
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2011, 21:07:50 pm »
I get my dd's bread at my local is Barowsky's Organic Wheat.  And it is delicious.   :) 

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Re: I don't know what else to do... my 2 yr old will not eat!!
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2011, 03:03:46 am »
If I think they are snacking out of boredom, not hunger I offer something that isn't a favorite but is appealing if they are truly hungry. So I offer carrots or raisins, not Goldfish. If she eats the carrots then I assume it is hunger and not something else. If they turn it down then they weren't truly hungry. If they start to pitch a fit I just say, "I'm sorry, this is what we are having now." Then I leave it on the table and walk away. If they are hungry they will eat.
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