My previously very independent sleeper seems to have hit a very rough patch. We do our normal routine (extended sometimes to really slow her down) and then put her in bed, and we used to be able to just walk out. Now, as soon as we even turn away from the crib, she screams like crazy and is not able to settle herself. Two nights ago it was over 2 hours of WI/WO (although I don't think I was doing it right- can someone send a link?). Finally, I held her and she fell asleep immediately in my arms and STTN. Last night, same deal, but instead of falling asleep in my arms, I left her in her crib and just sat in her room, which she was fine with. I snuck out (can't make a sound!) and that was that, until 4am when she woke and wouldn't go back to sleep without me in her room. I ended up bringing her to bed with me, which I have never done in her whole life, so we could both get some sleep. Tonight, I tried to put her down independently, it didn't work, so I waited about 10 min but she wasn't settling so I went in and just sat in her room and then did the sneak out again.
Here's our typical EASY:
7:15ish wake
8:15 snack
9am breakfast
10:15 snack
12 lunch
1-2:15 nap
4pm snack
6pm dinner
7pm-7:30 bedtime.
Yesterday it was:
7:40am wake (this was late after the two hour issue the night before)
11:30-1:10 nap
6pm dinner
7pm bedtime
8pm sleep
Today, it was this:
7am wake
12:30-1:40pm nap
7:30 bedtime
8pm sleep
I am ok with the idea that she needs us right now, I just want to be sure I am handling it ok. Any thoughts welcome. She has all her teeth except her 2 year molars. She is healthy. We did just get back from vacation, which might be all it is!
Thank you!